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After episode 33, I really feel like we need to address the Gacha Situation seriously

This is gonna be a really long, rambling post about gacha, gambling, addiction, psychology and ethics. If you want the TL;DR, here it is: Joey and Garnt are at the very least irresponsible influencers, and at the very worst they might have a serious addiction that stems from a low dopamine life-style.
We all most likely watched the episode and know what happened and what was talked by who, but for further context, if you are unaware of anything, even after the memes, on the last episode of Trash Taste Podcast, specifically in the last 40 minutes of it, the Boys discussed (and argued) about the gacha game scene and gambling addiction. You can check it out on the sticky post on the top of the subreddit front page.
To cut it short, Connor argued that gacha games are just as if not more dangerous than actual gambling, specifically for a few reasons. First, it is a game of no return. In real life gambling, you can (fleetingly) get real money back from it, and even make a considerable profit. Gacha games simulate the act of gambling while offering no significant reward or value other than a measle amount of dopamine and a cute character to play with. Secondly, the game is marketed towards older kids, teenagers and young adults on an age range of 12-25 years old, an age group where most individuals are either not mature enough to manage their money safely or even financially independent at all, with most people in this range not even being active members of society yet. Furthermore, the gacha-gambling model is largely unregulated and unsupervised by authority figures, be it responsible adults, laws or any other regulating institution.
To this, Garnt (largely) and Joey (in a lesser but still significant way) responded that, while they agree no one should be able or willing to spend such large amounts in these games, they do not pose significant harm to most people, and even further, can present justifiable value enough to be acceptable in their current forms, with minor changes. At one point, Joey expressed the idea that if these games made it difficult for him to spend money, he would mostly just not play them at all rather than go free-to-play. Garnt attempted to defend the idea that spending on these games was not necessary and going the F2P route was not only possible, but easy. He himself, however, admitted to that not being the case with him.
This is the thick and short of it. Now let me get into the main argument this post is attempting to make.
Connor's position along the entire discussion was entirely and utterly reasonable, and not only that, but even after being soft-gaslighted into being less harsh on his stance, he still was the only one willing to take the problem seriously at all.
Garnt and Joey, kn the other hand, began the discussion with an ironic and memey tone, not taking it at all seriously. When Connor's stance didn't change and his points began hitting a little too close to home, that's when they got defensive of their point and tried to appeal to various fallacious arguments and unbelievable takes. Most notably, Garnt defended that "If you have a problem with gambling or if you have poor self-control, you just should not be playing Gacha Games", which beyond being obvious, is a bonkers thing to say. It would be akin to saying "if you feel depressed or suicidal often, you should just ask for help and not kill yourself" or "if you have a drug problem, maybe don't go buy drugs". It is a statement that hides behind it's obvious correctness to take away attention from the fact that this adds nothing of value at all to the discussion,nor does it make for a suitable defense of the system that gacha ganes operate in.
The first big problem with this entire thing is that the three of them, both in the podcast and with their individual channels, have a great influencing power. Having your opinion, no matter who you are, broadcast to over a few hundred thousand people world-wide is bound to influence or resonate with some of the audience. When the person in question is a respected figure, speaking to an audience of admirers or fans, most of which at a young age, and within a subject matter of interest to the audience, the influence rate will grow even bigger. In this midst, there is statistically no way at least a handful of people didn't watch this episode and felt like they had their actions justified. Add to this that the gacha community at large is either aware but indifferent to the similarities it has to gambling, or straight up defensive of the entire model, and you have a pretty dangerous mixture of things here.
The second issue I see and hope to convey on this matter is that both Garnt and Joey seem unaware of just how scummy and messed up the tactics behind gacha games are. It's not just rate manipulation and constant advertising. The entire development process is centered around creating the perfect space for you to spend copious amounts of money without feeling that you really spent them. It goes so much deeper than just making cute girls to sell you. From the game page on the app store you get it from to the main menu, to the game design, to the in-game systems, to the rates, to the promotions, to the update cycle, to the end game, to the daily challenges, EVERY LITTLE ASPECT of it is engineered to rewire your bain into believing that it's not that bad to spend, and having the desire to do so more often than you reasonably would.
This is a very important one, amd Connor briefly touched on it in his rant. Cassinos, actual gambling places, build and thought to make you spend and lose, are like a glass door compared to the five inch lead wall that is the gacha strategy. They show you the rates at all times. They offer you the option to set yourself a limit. They make you aware that you are spending money, they cap the age at a minimum of 21, they have a lot of systems in place to control bad spenders. Of course, most of those came from law and regulations, but even before that, back in the 18th amd 19th centuries, no normal adult would advocate or defend that 12 to 18 year olds should be able to gamble real money into pieces of paper or cardboard cutouts. So imagine thinking, for even a moment, that what gacha games do is even close to okay. It is not, by any measure, morally, ethically or lawfully, okay.
But it gets worse. Way worse. Here is where I began actually worrying about the boys, in particular Joey and Garnt, the latter most of all.
They seem to actually believe that the above exposed is somehow justifiable based on little doses of dopamine, memories and the abstract idea of "the experience" you get. They compare spending ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS on a game to get TWO DIMENSIONAL IMAGINARY GIRLS to a night out with friends where you spend a hundred dollars in food or drinks.
What the actual f*ck.
This is not just bad. It's really, really bad. It's unreasonably and unbelievably absurd. It nearly collapses the entire concept of reality from just how bad a take this is.
No. No, no, no. NO. In no way, in no conceivable theoretical way, one of those things is comparable to the other. Never. This is the type of thing that depressed people tell themselves to justify self destructive behavior. Spending copious amounts of disposable income into games just to get "a daily dose lf dopamine" going is insane. Just for reference, you can get dopamine for free by doing any of the following:
Finishing a task-list
Cleaning your room
Working on a passion project
Playing any sport, specially with friends
Going for a walk with you pet
Having a conversation with a friend or significant other
Having a good meal
Waking up from a good nap
Watching a fun movie
Riding a bike
Radical sports
Reading a good book
Seeing a long-time relative or friend you missed for a long time
Getting a hug
Having sex
Sleeping cuddled with you SO
Holding hands
Watching the sun set/rise
Going to the beach
Playing an actual good videogame that isn't f*cking Genshin or FGO
This is not an exhaustive list. It's literally just things I thought off the top of my head while writing this. Some of those activities require some money to do, and some are impossible during the pandemic. But most of them are free/cheap and easy to do at home or with little to no contact with anyone.
If getting a good pull in a lootbox virtual casino is the best way you can think of to get any dopamine release, or if that release is so significant to you as to justify spending more money than some people make in a week, then I'm sorry, but you have a serious problem. I mean it. I know the Boys can do most or all of those things listed up there and much more. I know for a fact they are not in a situation of loneliness, vulnerability or isolation, even in the current world situation. So why is it that Garnt thinks gambling is a good solution for boredom in the quarentine? Or why did Joey insinuate that making it harder for him to spend money would just make him drop the game?
And if these two, that as I said are in a very privileged spot of having easy access to healthy ways to produce dopamine and conquer isolation, are having this kind of relationship with these games, what's to say of people around the world, including many of their listeners/viewers, who either live alone and/or have no perspective of a successful career with easy access to basically limitless disposable income like they do? What's to say of the teenagers who spend all night up playing games, watching anime, jerking off and stealing their parents' credit card to buy pulls? What's to say of the depressed university students who have a shitload of debt thrown at them and live an isolated, virtual life right now? What about them?
Joey and Garnt might not have any problem controlling themselves, or have enough money to waste such that a thousand dollars into gachas doesn't feel unreasonable, no matter how actually unreasonable it is. But they are either ignorant of the actual problem, or (and I sure hope I'm completely off on this one) completely unemphatic to their struggles. Because "Just don't play" is not a thing someone with empathy for the gambling addicts would say. Connor was deadass on this one.
And that leads us to the final nail in this horrific, goldplated coffin. The memes.
Yes, the memes.
There are so many memes. Garnt mentioned that "no one memes on the guys going bankrupt" while doing just that for half an hour. The entire gacha culture is basically a serious sociological and psychological problem deep-rooted into the heart of the zoomer generation. And yet it wears a mask mad e of memes, that hides the actual problem under a nearly impenetrable layer of irony, self-pity and depressive jokes. But the subject is not that funny under the magnified lens of a closer look.
The easygoing demeanor with which gacha addicts and casual underaged gamblers treat the entire thing is so light on the mood, so soft on the eyes, that you may just forget that those people might be ruining their lives. It's not a joke. It should not be treated like one. The meme culture around gacha fames has created more gambling addicts among 15 and 16 year olds than any illegal casino would ever dream of. These young people are just laughing away ridiculous sums of money for a teenager to spend, and feeling none of it until it is too late to go back and give up.
I am not trying to guilty trip any of the Boyys here, nor am I accusing them of being apologetic of underage gambling. I'm just trying to put this entire thing under a serious light. Because it needs someone to do so. This post comes from a place of worry and love, not one of disrespect or accusations. I simply want the Boys to look at this in a responsible way.
I might be talking to the walls here. I might really be just shouting in the vacuum. But if I can try to make my voice be listened to, I will. Because I must. If you read all the way down to here, I have two more things to say.
One is: please, do not let the monetization model these games operate in get to you. If you've spent any amount of money on them and feel tempted to continue, I insist you don't. If you have only ever played them without spending, and are still having fun, you're free to do so, but tread carefully.
And the other is: gacha mechanics can ruin much more beyond your financial wisdom. They are actively harmful to the games industry as a whole. Instead of making good games out of passion, these developers are being led to create mediocre games out of greed from the higher ups. If gou care about gaming at all, or if you just give a shit about an industry many people love, I request that you understand why gacha games are a bad sign, and that you spread that awareness, if you can. This is a really important subject to me and I think ut should be to other gamers as well.
Thank you for reading. Have a great day. Save your money.
P.S.: Garnt, Joey and Connor. If you guys read this, I love you and what you do. I listen to this podcast almost religiously, and I really enjoy all of it. Please, take care of yourselves and have a great 2021. Peace. (This is a shot in the dark, the chances of them reading this are so low I feel almost stupid. But hey, I tried huh?)
submitted by i_need_helpguys to TrashTaste [link] [comments]

Notas sobre o conhecimento na perspectiva clássica

Notas sobre o conhecimento na perspectiva clássica

Algumas notas a partir de

De Meline Costa Souza
OBS: Esse post será atualizado com o tempo.
Como sabem estou tentando abordar a teoria do conhecimento antiga a fim de, primeiramente, conhece-la e, de forma secundária, pensar nas implicações disso, em último lugar, para pensar no que isso significa na discussão sobre Deus, seus atributos e existência. O leitor que queira se aprofundar em algumas postagens antigas, encontrará material e indicações em https://www.reddit.com/ApologeticaCrista/comments/kzcvmp/a_intui%C3%A7%C3%A3o/. Como já disse, existem diferenças imensas entre a forma como moderno analisa a razão e o antigo.Cumpre introduzir o tema brevemente:

Aristotle pays attention to the issue which, in my opinion, until today casts a shadow over the acceptance of the value of intuition for science and philosophy. For him, the value of direct cognition is undisputed since without it there would be no knowledge. If nous is dismissed, science should be dismissed too. However, not to belong to science does not have a pejorative character, because, as Aristotle underlines, the value of nous is higher than the value of knowledge. Later, particularly under the influence of positivism and neopositivism, it will become customary to think that that which cannot be substantiated is unscientific and less significant from a scientific point of view. The status of empirical cognition, of which the results can be quite easily verified, will be enhanced. It does not mean that problems which this intersubjectivity of still subjective empirical experience faces will not be noted. The issue of subjectivity and uniqueness of empirical experience was raised, among others, by K. Ajdukiewicz, Pragmatic Logic, pp. 224–227.
Em https://www.researchgate.net/publication/299275042_The_Concept_of_Intuition_and_Its_Role_in_Plato_and_Aristotle
Ou seja:
Aristóteles atenta-se para a questão que, em minha opinião, até hoje lança uma sombra sobre a aceitação do valor da intuição para a ciência e a filosofia. Para ele, o valor da cognição direta é indiscutível, pois sem ela não haveria conhecimento. Se o nous for rejeitado, a ciência também deve ser rejeitada. Porém, não pertencer à ciência não tem um caráter pejorativo, porque, como sublinha Aristóteles, o valor do nous é superior ao valor do conhecimento. Mais tarde, principalmente sob a influência do positivismo e do neopositivismo, será costume pensar que aquilo que não pode ser comprovado é anticientífico e menos significativo do ponto de vista científico. O status da cognição empírica, cujos resultados podem ser facilmente verificados, será aprimorado. Isso não significa que os problemas que essa intersubjetividade da experiência empírica ainda subjetiva enfrenta não sejam notados. A questão da subjetividade e exclusividade da experiência empírica foi levantada, entre outros, por K. Ajdukiewicz, Pragmatic Logic, pp. 224-227.
Essa diferença fundamental traz consequências grandes ao debate, isso é, na medida em que os envolvidos não sejam ideologizados (como no caso do Peter ou daqueles que insistem em se envolver com a filosofia que ignoram¹):

Está para ser escrita uma história dos equívocos quanto aos argumentos [sobre a existência de Deus], eu não sei os detalhes, mas o trilema de Epicuro [por exemplo] não era usado para refutar a divindade², Santo Agostinho, nesse aspecto, pode ter-se confundido, deduzindo que a negação de um atributo poderia servir com refutação de Deus in toto, o que não deixa de ter um fundamento. Por outro lado, os argumentos a favor da existência de Deus não são fundamentalmente argumentos à favor da existência de Deus tampouco, são exercícios intelectuais, esclarecimentos, de uma certeza que pertence à intuição e é anterior aos argumentos. É engraçado. Ver como seria um real debate entre um santo e um epicurista seria provavelmente a coisa mais brochante do mundo para um neo-ateu ou um neo-templário, agora a porra vai comer sério, pensarão, e puff, lá estará Epicuro discutindo sobre os atributos de um deus que ele acredita, e os santos tentando deslindar uma intuição, e não uma linha argumentativa.
Este texo quanto a Teodiceia é significativo para todo o o debate, traduzido de Fritjof Schuon em https://www.reddit.com/ApologeticaCrista/comments/koeduw/tradu%C3%A7%C3%A3o_do_ensaio_a_quest%C3%A3o_das_teodic%C3%A9ias_de/:

O erro clássico que os racionalistas cometem com respeito às demonstrações metafísicas é acreditar que um metafísico assume sua tese como resultado dos argumentos que ele propõe, e que esta tese é, portanto, não mais do que uma mera conclusão, e que se desintegra assim que uma denuncia os pontos fracos que alguns se destacam em descobrir - o que não é difícil de fazer, visto que os fatos da demonstração escapam à experiência comum; na realidade, como já dissemos mais de uma vez, os argumentos metafísicos não são as causas da certeza, mas seus efeitos; em outras palavras, a certeza em questão, embora seja um fenômeno subjetivo, é feita de objetividade, visto que pertence inteiramente a uma Realidade que é independente de nossa mente. Quanto à teodicéia, é preciso saber que o Intelecto percebe a priori o Bem Universal ou Divino; isto é, pode percebê-lo antes de entender - ou querer entender - a natureza do mal; e se um metafísico contemplativo pode ser capaz de ignorar a doutrina do mal, é precisamente porque ele está certo desde o início, de forma incondicional e de alguma forma primordial, da primazia infinita do Bem sob os três aspectos do “puro Ser ”,“ puro Espírito ”,“ pura bem-aventurança ”. [6] Para ele, a teodicéia pode servir como função secundária de “apaziguamento do coração”, como diriam os sufis, mas nunca terá o papel de prova sine qua non.

Por fim, voltemos à Aristóteles, o que dá uma ideia de como essas informações se entrelaçam:
Aristotle states that we know the truth through thoughts. Thoughts can be always true or they can allow for falseness. The episteme kind of knowledge and intellectual intuition (nous) will always be true, whereas falseness may appear in opinions (doxa) and discursive reasoning (logismos). According to Aristotle, nous is the most perfect and exact method of cognition. It is even superior to episteme. The basis for this view is a conviction that principles are better known than inferences drawn from them (see Posterior Analytics 100b). In other words, that which is prior and accepted as first is better known than that which is posterior and accepted on the basis of that which was first. The posterior is thus less known and sure than that which is prior. Like his predecessors, Aristotle attached immense importance to direct rational cognition. He juxtaposes intuition and discursive reasoning1 . Intuition (nous) enables us to know principles, whereas knowledge consists in argumentation. To expound it in modern language: it includes propositions acknowledged on the basis of propositions already acknowledged. Since the principle of demonstration is not demonstration, the principle of knowledge is not knowledge.

Aristóteles afirma que sabemos a verdade por meio dos pensamentos. Os pensamentos podem ser sempre verdadeiros ou podem permitir a falsidade. O tipo episteme de conhecimento e intuição intelectual (nous) sempre será verdadeiro, enquanto a falsidade pode aparecer em opiniões (doxa) e no raciocínio discursivo (logismos). De acordo com Aristóteles, nous é o método de cognição mais perfeito e exato. É até superior à episteme. A base para essa visão é a convicção de que os princípios são mais conhecidos do que as inferências extraídas deles (consulte Os Analíticos Posteriores 100b). Em outras palavras, o que é anterior e aceito como primeiro é mais conhecido do que o que é posterior e aceito a partir do que foi primeiro. O posterior é, portanto, menos conhecido e seguro do que o anterior. Como seus predecessores, Aristóteles atribuiu imensa importância à cognição racional direta. Ele justapõe intuição e raciocínio discursivo. A intuição (nous) nos permite conhecer princípios, ao passo que o conhecimento consiste na argumentação. Expondo em linguagem moderna: inclui proposições reconhecidas com base em proposições já reconhecidas. Visto que o princípio da demonstração não é demonstração, o princípio do conhecimento não é conhecimento.
No debate moderno, se pode dizer que a origem da ciência não é, ela mesma, científica e que as duas afirmações:
(A) A totalidade do real corresponde à análises obtiveis pela ciência.
(B) A totalidade do conhecimento real obtido pela inteligência humana é igual àquela obtida pelo método científico.
São inválidas, pois a ciência tem origem em operações intelectuais que lhe são anteriores, acho que nunca houve alguém tão néscio a ponto de dizer que a inteligência humana começou com o surgimento do método científico moderno, digo isso não só porque o que os antigos chamavam de ciência não era bem o que consideramos, mas pelo fato óbvio que as crianças não nascem cientistas, tem de existir algo de real anterior à ciência tendo em vista ela não ser primeira e, sendo essas coisas reais ab ovo, desde o início, devem possuir ciências que lhe são próprias, e eis que chegamos à filosofia. É necessário que aceitemos que (B) é errado, pois é necessário alguma fundamentação da racionalidade prévia ao método científico para que ela pudesse, posteriormente, transformar-se no método científico e, igualmente, é necessário que ela se refira à algo de real anteriormente, sem a qual a inteligência operaria no vazio, o que mostra o erro de (A).
Eu não argumento, como se vê, a ideia de argumentar tem de ser justamente colocada em parêntese pelo tema mesmo qual estou refletindo, pois estou analisando justamente é se tudo que tem valor racional é passível de ser expresso em argumentos, não é difícil imaginar que dirão algo como que nossas ciências podem ser frutos de meras arbitrariedades³, mas nada soa assim para a inteligência que opera desde o mundo sensível, o que ela encontra é ordem e correspondência em toda sua experiência, do começo ao fim.
Peço desculpas pelo caráter digressivo, peço clemência devido à amplitude e a profundidade do tema. Em https://www.academia.edu/38301638/Whitehead_e_a_natureza_n%C3%A3o_bifurcada lemos as precisas observações de Whitehead:

Por Fernando Silva e Silva
O que podemos observar é que a visão que reduz a inteligência à neurociência e a biologia evolutiva é, independente das comprovações empíricas posteriores [scrictu sensu, a comprovação empírica disso escapa às possibilidades da própria ciência] algo que se obtém como dedução de princípios e uma intuição específica sobre o que se trata a realidade, se a realidade é por princípio sem qualidades, é óbvio que o ser humano é ilusório e que será reduzido à res extensa, se a natureza é sem vida, a vida deixa igualmente de ser parte da natureza. Whitehead e o pensamento antigo pensavam a totalidade da percepção do Logos por parte do homem, incluso ai as quantidades e as qualidades. Não sei no caso de Whitehead, mas igualmente o pensamento antigo levava em consideração a intuição. E daí se justifica brevemente o porquê da meu interesse na tese sobre Avicena, que pensa justamente sobre a relação entre o pensamento e a intuição. Meu pensamento e intuição me levam a analisar exatamente o conceito de intuição e seu papel na razão, mas me levam também a perceber que a própria modernidade parte, ela mesma, de intuições quais não reconhecem [quais merecem ser elas mesmas explicitadas], e que, muitas vezes, negam a Deus e o próprio homem por princípio, cometendo uma falácia implícita de petitio principii, razão circular, racionalizando a partir de uma negação que, no fim, revela ser, ela sim, arbitrária.
¹ Ver https://www.reddit.com/ApologeticaCrista/comments/ku6386/idiotas_da_ci%C3%AAncia_tradu%C3%A7%C3%A3o_artigo_profedward/ e https://www.reddit.com/ApologeticaCrista/comments/l2bk27/por_que_alguns_f%C3%ADsicos_s%C3%A3o_t%C3%A3o_ruins_em_filosofia/ para exemplos.
² Mais poderia se dizer, primeiro, há uma possibilidade do trilema ser de Epicuro (ele não se encontra nas obras), tendo em vista que existem dele muitos textos perdidos e existirem outras fontes antigas que o afirmam, porém, o argumento ao que tudo indica era usado para se negar a divina providencia, e não a existência de Deus, tendo em vista que Epicuro acreditava em deuses .
³Terminando a primeira parte desse post, a justificativa, onde aproveito para sintetizar algumas notas esparsas, noto que a arbitrariedade da natureza na evolução tem um quê qual pode ser aproximado da falácia do jogador invertida, falo a partir do seguinte https://www.reddit.com/ApologeticaCrista/comments/l0nuxx/nossa_exist%C3%AAncia_improv%C3%A1vel_n%C3%A3o_%C3%A9_evid%C3%AAncia_de_um/, basicamente o texto fala sobre como a ideia de multiversos para explicar o ajuste fino se sustenta numa falácia, para mim isso é análogo à intuição moderna da verdade do evolucionismo enquanto argumento ao caos, não sei se está claro, mas pensemos o seguinte:
O filósofo Ian Hacking foi o primeiro a conectar a falácia do jogador inverso a argumentos para o multiverso, com foco na teoria do universo oscilante do físico John Wheeler, que sustentava que nosso universo é o mais recente de uma longa sequência temporal de universos. Assim como o visitante do cassino diz “Uau, essa pessoa deve estar jogando há muito tempo, pois é improvável que ela tivesse tanta sorte com apenas uma jogada”, então o teórico do multiverso diz “Uau, deve haver muitos outros universos antes deste, já que é improvável que os números certos surgissem se houvesse apenas um."
Basicamente, para não termos que pensar um telos, um logos no universo, é mais fácil julgar que existem infinitos outros universos para que possamos mostrar como o caos arbitrário pode gerar as leis necessárias ao nosso universo, creio que compreendo vagamente a primeira coisa que virá na cabeça de um ateu e é melhor explicar melhor:

Os físicos referem-se a essa descoberta como o “ajuste fino” da física para a vida. O que devemos fazer com isso? Alguns consideram isso como evidência de nada além de nossa boa sorte. Mas muitos cientistas proeminentes - Martin Rees, Alan Guth, Max Tegmark - consideraram isso uma evidência de que vivemos em um multiverso: que nosso universo é apenas um de um enorme, talvez infinito, conjunto de mundos. A esperança é que isso nos permita dar uma explicação do tipo “macacos nas máquinas de escrever” sobre o ajuste fino. Se você tem macacos suficientes martelando aleatoriamente em máquinas de escrever, não é tão improvável que alguém escreva um pouco em inglês. Por analogia, se houver universos suficientes, com variação suficiente nos números em sua física, torna-se estatisticamente provável que aconteça de um termos os números certos para o resto da vida.
Esta explicação faz sentido intuitivamente. No entanto, especialistas em matemática de probabilidade identificaram a inferência do ajuste fino para o multiverso como um exemplo de raciocínio falacioso. Especificamente, os teóricos do multiverso cometem a falácia do jogador inverso, que é uma ligeira torção na falácia do jogador regular. Na falácia do jogador regular, o jogador esteve no cassino a noite toda e teve uma terrível sequência de azar. Ele pensa consigo mesmo: "Meu próximo lançamento de dados está fadado a ser bom, pois é improvável que eu jogue mal a noite toda!" Isso é uma falácia, porque para qualquer teste em particular, as chances de, digamos, obter um duplo seis são as mesmas: 1/36. Quantas vezes o jogador rolou naquela noite não tem influência sobre se o próximo lançamento será um seis duplo.
Na falácia do jogador inverso, um visitante entra em um cassino e a primeira coisa que vê é alguém jogando um duplo seis. Ela pensa "Uau, essa pessoa deve estar jogando há muito tempo, pois é improvável que ela tivesse tanta sorte com apenas um lançamento." Isso é falacioso pelo mesmo motivo. O visitante do cassino observou apenas um lançamento de dados, e as chances desse lançamento dar certo é a mesma de qualquer outro lançamento: 1/36. Há quanto tempo o jogador está jogando antes deste momento não tem influência nas chances de um lançamento que o visitante observou ser um duplo seis.
Outros teóricos perceberam mais tarde que a acusação se aplica de forma bastante geral a todas as tentativas de derivar um multiverso de um ajuste fino. Considere a seguinte analogia. Você acorda com amnésia, sem nenhuma pista de como chegou onde está. Na sua frente está um macaco batendo em uma máquina de escrever, escrevendo um inglês perfeito. Isso claramente requer explicação. Você pode pensar: "Talvez eu esteja sonhando ... talvez este seja um macaco treinado ... talvez seja um robô." O que você não pensaria é “Deve haver muitos outros macacos por aqui, a maioria escrevendo coisas sem sentido”. Você não pensaria assim porque o que precisa ser explicado é por que esse macaco - o único que você realmente observou - está escrevendo em inglês e postular outros macacos não explica o que esse macaco está fazendo.
Alguns objetaram que este argumento contra a inferência do ajuste fino para um multiverso ignora o efeito de seleção que existe em casos de ajuste fino, ou seja, o fato de que não poderíamos ter observado um universo que não fosse ajustado. Se o universo não fosse ajustado, a vida seria impossível e ninguém estaria por perto para observar nada. É claro que esse efeito de seleção existe, mas não faz diferença se a falácia foi cometida ou não. Podemos ver isso apenas adicionando um efeito de seleção artificial à analogia do macaco e da máquina de escrever do último parágrafo. Considere a seguinte história:
Você acorda e se encontra em uma sala sentado em frente ao Coringa (do Batman) e um macaco chamado Joey em uma máquina de escrever. O Coringa lhe diz que enquanto você estava inconsciente, ele decidiu jogar um joguinho. Ele deu a Joey uma hora para bater na máquina de escrever, se comprometendo a libertá-lo se Joey escrevesse algo em inglês ou matá-lo antes que você recuperasse a consciência se ele não o fizesse. Felizmente, Joey digitou “Eu amo como as bananas amarelas são” e, portanto, você será libertado.
Na história acima, você não poderia ter observado Joey digitando qualquer coisa além do inglês - o Coringa teria matado você antes que você tivesse a chance - assim como nunca poderíamos ter observado um universo não ajustado. No entanto, a inferência para muitos macacos ainda é injustificada. Dado o quão improvável é que um macaco comum diga “Eu amo como as bananas amarelas são” apenas batendo aleatoriamente, você pode suspeitar de algum tipo de truque. O que você não concluiria, entretanto, é que deve haver muitos outros macacos digitando lixo. Novamente, o que você precisa explicar é por que Joey está digitando em inglês, e a postulação de outros macacos não explica isso. Por analogia, o que precisamos explicar é por que o único universo que já observamos é ajustado, e a postulação de outros universos não explica isso.
Mas não há evidência científica para um multiverso? Alguns físicos realmente pensam que há uma evidência empírica provisória para um tipo de multiverso, descrito pela hipótese da inflação eterna. De acordo com a inflação eterna, existe um vasto megaespaço em expansão exponencial no qual certas regiões desaceleram para formar “universos-bolha”, sendo o nosso universo um desses universos-bolha. No entanto, não há base empírica para pensar que as constantes da física - a força da gravidade, a massa dos elétrons etc. - são diferentes nesses diferentes universos-bolha. E sem essa variação, o problema do ajuste fino é ainda pior: agora temos um grande número de macacos, todos digitando em inglês.
Nesse ponto, muitos trazem a tona a teoria das cordas. A teoria das cordas oferece uma maneira de entender a possibilidade de que as diferentes bolhas tenham constantes diferentes. Na teoria das cordas, os números supostamente “fixos” da física são determinados pela fase do espaço, e há 10(elevados a 500) diferentes fases possíveis do espaço na chamada “paisagem das cordas”. Pode ser que processos aleatórios garantam que uma ampla variedade de possibilidades da paisagem das cordas seja realizada nos diferentes universos-bolha. Novamente, no entanto, não há razão empírica para pensar que essa possibilidade seja real.
O motivo pelo qual alguns cientistas levam a sério a possibilidade de um multiverso no qual as constantes variam em diferentes universos é que isso parece explicar o ajuste fino. Mas em um exame mais detalhado, a inferência do ajuste fino para o multiverso prova ser um exemplo de raciocínio falho.
Mutatis mutandis, a teoria da evolução na questão do caos e do design é uma explicação do tipo "macaco na máquina de escrever", e podemos dizer que seu poder enquanto argumento para o acaso se assemelha justamente à essa explicação do ajuste fino do universo mediante a suposição de infinitas micro-mutações, macacos a digitar arbitrariamente, que gerariam os seres quais vemos [então entendam bem, não digo que o evolucionismo é uma falácia lógica, mas que o evolucionismo como o argumento a favor do caos, ou seja, contra o design, tem necessariamente de fundar-se nessa falácia]. O evolucionismo é, segundo me parece, a teoria metodologicamente mais eficiente, mas ela não tem, per se, nenhuma relação com o acaso ou o design, no máximo ela nos dá a possibilidade imaginativa de pensarmos no acaso como explicação, da mesma forma que os macacos infinitos na máquina de escrever nos dão a possibilidade imaginativa, mas a prova é uma simples falácia. É necessário lembrar ao leitor que, como bem notou Karl Popper, o evolucionismo não é falsificável, tendo sido classificado como um programa metafísico de pesquisa [a palavra metafísico me soa errada], é claro que Popper reconhecia todas as virtudes do evolucionismo, ele é metodologicamente correto, independentemente de as alterações serem feitas por design ou caos, ora, é claro que alguns biólogos gostam de dizer que se fosse feito por um Deus esse Deus seria incompetente, porque eles conseguiriam fazer melhor e blábláblá, mas isso não é argumento científico, é retórica, crer nisso como argumento a favor do caos é wishful thinking. Sobre Popper, ler mais em https://www.reddit.com/ApologeticaCrista/comments/kngpr4/o_estatuto_epistemol%C3%B3gico_do_darwinismo/.
submitted by BlindEyeBill724 to ApologeticaCrista [link] [comments]


Feast Day - January 28 Lived (1226 - March 7, 1274) Patron Saint of Catholic Schools, Colleges, Students
Universally, Thomas Aquinas is the unequalled spokesman of the Catholic tradition of reason and of divine revelation. He is one of the great teachers of the medieval Catholic Church, honoured with the titles Doctor of the Church and Angelic Doctor.
At five he was given to the Benedictine Monks at Monte Cassino in his parents’ hopes that he would choose that way of life and eventually become Abbot. In 1239, he was sent to Naples to complete his studies. It was here that he was first attracted to Aristotle’s philosophy.
In 1243, Thomas abandoned his family’s plans for him and joined the Dominicans, much to his mother’s dismay. On her order, Thomas was captured by his brother and kept at home for more than a year.
Once freed, he went to Paris and then to Cologne, where he finished his studies with Saint Albert the Great. He held two professorships at Paris, lived at the court of Pope Urban IV, directed the Dominican schools at Rome and Viterbo, combated adversaries of the mendicants, as well as the Averroists, and argued with some Franciscans about Aristotle’s philosophy.
His greatest contribution to the Catholic Church is his writings. The unity, harmony, and continuity of faith and reason, of revealed and natural human knowledge, pervades his writings. One might expect Thomas, as a man of the gospel, to be an ardent defender of revealed truth. But he was broad enough, deep enough, to see the whole natural order as coming from God the Creator, and to see reason as a divine gift to be highly cherished.
Thomas stopped work on his last book, “The Summa Theologiae,” which deals with the whole of Catholic theology. He decided to stop after celebrating Mass on December 6, 1273. When asked why he stopped writing, he replied, “I cannot go on…. All that I have written seems to me like so much straw compared to what I have seen and what has been revealed to me.”
submitted by brcblog to blockrosarycrusade [link] [comments]

Wtf is up with Vegas being so small?

How is it that the New Vegas Strip only has 4 cassinos a few small buildings, a vault and a factory?! Mr. House said that no bombs hit it, there seems ro be no sign that any other large buildings even existed. Sure freeside has the two, but that's still not enough. Even if there were other cassinos and they were destroyed post war, there would be something left, right? It's almost like Vegas is just a lie! Maybe Mr. House made up the great city of wonder when in this universe Vegas was just a few cassinos and some residential areas. Of course, it is brobably just because the game was rushed and they couldn't make a full city in that time, but I want a lore answer!
submitted by ThatDiabeticJesus to Fallout [link] [comments]

How to Revive Battlefield V and Make a Comeback (2020)

Hello all, I love Battlefield V and honestly, when I go to an older Battlefield game (BF3, BF4, BFH, BF1), I always want to return to Battlefield V because of all of its great features like squad reinforcements, the movement system, grenade mechanics, beautiful graphics, fortifications, health and ammo mechanics, etc. But I think that we can all agree that BFV still has a long way to go until it reaches the legendary Battlefield status for this WW2 game.
So I am making a list of things we NEED for this game.
1.Anti-Cheat System
-I think you already know
  1. Team Balancer and Improve Matchmaking
-It's coming in May, finally. (I think)
  1. Rental Server Program OR Expand Community Games/Add Custom Games (like Back to Basics) and Hardcore
-Allow us to title our servers, have admin controls, allow us to leave the servers running without being in it, more options, etc
-Make custom games return from BF1 with fun weekly changes not just a map playlist and add a hardcore mode
  1. Improve Plane Mechanics and Combat/Improve the "Bad" plane variants and update the vanilla specialization trees like the Pacific ones (increase to level 6 also)
-Better Air vs Air, Air vs Ground, and Air vs Infantry combat
-MMG/LMG Combat vs Air should be more prominent like in BF1
-Add gunner seat to mosquito and add 3rd gunner seat to blenheim (for gameplay reasons)
-A video from LevelCapGaming- How DICE Could Fix Planes in Battlefield V https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPHA4hIxuMA
  1. Improve Tank Mechanics and Combat and update the vanilla specialization trees like the Pacific ones (increase to level 6 also)
-Fun combat
-When driving a tank near water, the soldier should yell out "We are too close to water!!!" or something like that because it is confusing sometimes if the water is shallow enough or not.
-A video from AKA-ART- There's a lot wrong with the tanks in Battlefield 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ltpKB04Oh0
  1. Flares should ping your position
  2. Revamp Grand Operations and allow to see all grand operation games in server browser not just airborne games when filtering for grand op games
-Add ability to skip the intros, and add the voiced intros like BF1
-Add more Grand Operations
-Change the British transport aircraft to the C-47s from Firestorm
-Change the German transport aircraft to the JU-52s.
-Add in the XP Multiplier from BF1. (is the tech here?)
-Allow the intro to play out when I am alt tabbing on PC when playing Grand Ops. The intro literally pauses and I am forced to watch the whole text when coming back on the game.
-Add in a Grand Op menu like BF1, I like reading about the battles.
-The defending team on Airborne should not be able to see where the bomb is at all times
-After every match and switching to a new grand op, you should be able to switch to the other attack/defend team. For example, if you play a match of defending, the next grand op should be attack. Right now, you would stay defending
-Animate the soldiers sitting down in the drop ships in Airborne. They look lifeless
-A video from Westie- Grand Operations Isn't Very Good... Battlefield 5 (DICE Can Do Better!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv3mWVT2a8k
  1. Improve Breakthrough in certain maps
-The first sectors should be the easiest and then the map should be harder (look back at vanilla maps)
-Arras' 3rd sector is really lame IMO.
-Fjell 652 is worst breakthrough map for sure.
-Add in more sectors. A lot of maps have 3. Panzerstorm is really big so I think it should have more than 3 since the rounds are short during my experience.
  1. Improve Conquest on certain maps
-Some maps have open space that needs flags (for example Al Sundan or Fjell 652)
  1. Expand the Provence and Lofoten Islands maps into larger scale gamemodes
-Lofoten Islands can be a Conquest map by including all the islands into a conquest map, Provence can also be expanded to flesh out the countryside of the map into a conquest map
-A video from Westie- Battlefield 5 Has 2 Maps I Had FORGOTTEN EXISTED! - Provence & Lofoten Islands- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4bii9__1Ro
  1. Remove ability to apply Cross-Faction Elite Skins
-Tired of seeing a whole squad of Misakis, Keisukes, or Jack Culvers in the Best Squad screen for the European theater maps
  1. Add option in the settings to not be able to see other player's soldier customization
  2. Improve AI in Combined Arms/War Stories
-Make AI like Star Wars Battlefront 2 (THEY ARE STUPID IN BFV). Why is the AI in BFV so bad if you guys literally tested out the SEED project in BF1 and this SEED project was transferred to Battlefront 2
  1. Add support for Firestorm and make it FREE
- WHERE DID THE SUPPORT GO? The mode might be revived if you make it FREE, and it would bring in more players for the main game!
- Revamp Looting system in Firestorm
- Add Respawn system in Firestorm (really a fan of the Gulag from Warzone)
- The support has to be weekly changes or at least monthly changes. Add in a chapter rewards system specifically for Firestorm.
-Add Firestorm in the server browser if we are going to continue with the low player counts for the mode.
  1. Rewrite Assignments/Fix Assignments that don't work/Add better rewards/Organize Assignments
-The assignment objectives are written poorly and are tedious to do or they hurt the gameplay. Assignments need better rewards also like more CC, dogtags, melee weapons, etc. Some assignments don't even work correctly like the Fallschirmjäger: Joining the Elite special air assignment (I figured that you have to have the correct side AA guns which is dumb). The Firestorm assignment is so bad also because the rewards are a chain of 5 assignments until the end in which the reward is 500 CC.
-Add categories of assignments. For example, make a category for proficiency/mastery weapon assignments, etc.
-Fix typos...
-Add more Firestorm Assignments also
  1. Remove Paywall on EPIC tiered skins
-Be honest, why would I spend $7.50 on a weapon skin! This is still your choice though DICE or EA.
  1. Add ability to see how many flying bomb, artillery, and battle pickup kills you have in the statistics page (V1, JB-2, KI-147, etc)
  2. More improvement towards Bipod system
-Still doesn't work sometimes, BF1 system still works superior
  1. More Fortifications around some capture areas/More Fortifications for destroyable buildings
-Some flags barely have any fortifications and its so annoying
-I think there should be more fortifications to rebuild buildings and homes
  1. More Reticle options like BF1
  2. Revamp/Fix Combined Arms
-After a match of Combined Arms, joining a different mission doesn't work and its unplayable. You have to restart the game. No wonder why no one plays this mode.
-Revamp Combined Arms into the mode that is was advertised to be: A mode that is changing and evolving with different AI situations while you are playing every week, to keep gameplay fun
-If you complete a mission on hard, you should get all the company coin from easy and medium rewards including hard rewards. Same for medium.
-Add an option to see combined arms matches in the server browser.
-Add new scenarios and maps for Combined Arms similar to Star Wars Battlefront 2 Co-op
  1. Improve the Practice Range
-Make it useful like BF4 Practice Range with the moving targets. Add more vehicles and weapons (not sure about weapons since haven't used it in a while) in the practice range also.
-Haven't used it in a while, but are your loadouts and skins used in the Practice Range?
-Same with the issue with combined arms, I played the practice game, and I then played the tutorial, and then I tried to play the practice range, but it shows a black screen with the menu music in the background and it puts me back in the frontend. So, I was unable to play unless I restarted the game which I did not.
  1. Company Coin payout at End of Round similar to credits in Star Wars Battlefront 2
-I'm really scrapping dust for CC. The balance between using your CC for specializations and skins is bad. I'm level 70 so far and have only bought one cosmetic with CC and the rest of my CC is used for specializations. I'm not sure when I will ever be able to purchase those vehicle skin packages for 75,000 CC.
  1. Better Performance/Optimization for PC
-FPS LAG, I have to turn on FFR for good FPS on ultra. Why is BF1 performance so much better?
  1. Bug Fixes (I HATE SPAWN SCREEN BUGS and the bugs in the Company menu with the white dots)
-Fix UI not showing the correct chapter rank
  1. Add Service Stars for Weapons
  2. Add back the melee type system from BF1
-I want to be able to break barbed wire with some melee weapons
  1. Map Voting system
  2. Improve Pinging system
-Allow us to see nearby teammates’ pings, add specific callouts, add a better danger ping system, make it like COD MW Warzone pinging system
-The AI soldiers in the tutorial were very vocal, and it was cool to hear. This would be cool to hear in multiplayer.
  1. Redesign the armory, allow us to see previous items, allow for more new items per week.
  2. Improve Hitching system
-Allow us to change seats to the hitched AA/AT gun seat like how we can change seats normally otherwise hitching is useless, and allow all vehicles to hitch
-Be able to hitch with all vehicles and allow us to hitch every cannon/turret (not sure if this is a thing or not)
-Make all transport vehicles already have something hitched to it by default
-Improve the controls for moving around the hitched cannon/turret
  1. Remove ability to shoot down friendly flares
  2. Allow us to know what squad we are in showed in the spawn screen, so we know if we are one of the top squads at the end of round.
  3. Look at all soldier appearances and vehicles and make them more authentic to the era like looking at the color pallets.
-DICE is finally doing this for the May update.
  1. Add a Vehicle spawn queue
-Camping the vehicle spawn is so annoying and this is still a problem in all Battlefields besides Battlefield Hardline...Hardline still gets some things right for all (if I recall, hardline has one, or something that takes small steps towards a vehicle queue)
  1. Add Duos back in Firestorm
  2. Update Vanilla Gun Specialization Trees to be more interesting like the pacific ones
-It seems as if I always prefer one road down the tree and similar ones for all guns.
  1. Team Switcher
-I would like to help out the losing side by switching to them.
-Also, when playing match after match in conquest, currently, you stay on the same faction every match. Your faction needs to change every round.
  1. Make calling out for help in the revive screen louder so your teammates can hear you. Make it also so that the revive icon is flashing when someone is calling out for help. Also, allow us to call out for medics while downed by using the commorose.
  2. Allow us to see our weapon/tank/plane/class/rank progression while playing in game like Battlefront 2. Rank progression should be when you go in the exit screen. Also, either allow us to view rewards while playing in-game in the menus or remove the words "View Rewards" in the top right when clicking on your combat roles, etc.
  3. Allow us to view recent servers and favorite servers.
  4. Allow us to see how far in the match is in the server browser, like on Battlelog.
  5. Teach players how to ping enemies in the tutorial.
  6. Add back south africa/middle east servers.
-Have seen of people from those areas complaining
-How about when quick matchmaking, force them to join their own servers? I know they might end up in empty servers, but DICE I think you can find a way to fix this rather than deleting them.
  1. Add Skill Based Matchmaking (I believe this is coming in May)
  2. Put AI controlled AA cannons at bases, like in BF3/BF4 (I think it was also in BF4 maybe)
  3. Update Vanilla maps so that planes can't resupply at enemy bases.
-In the pacific maps, we cannot do that.
  1. Give an option to equip soldier customization sets like weapon sets.
-Really annoying one
  1. Add Weather Conditions to vanilla maps in conquest and other modes not just Grand Operations. (Night, Aurora, Sandstorm, Snowstorm, Rain, etc.)
  2. Add ping based matchmaking like Modern Warfare because why would you not...
-Not sure if this is already in the game or not since people on the PC chat were wondering why they were in another countries' server whilst for me, I seem to matchmake correctly.
  1. Add more background battles on all maps.
-Like in Iwo Jima
-Battlefront 2 Geonosis on Galactic Assault is a prime example
  1. Fix the lighting in some maps.
-Make atmosphere more WW2 like
-Make Hamada lighting like in the Prologue of War Stories
-Make Panzerstorm Lightning/Graphics like the trailer.
-Make Halvoy Lighting/Graphics like the trailer.
-A video from Lossy- Fixing the Weird Lighting in Battlefield 5- https://youtu.be/79DiPYupp-s
  1. Turn Halvoy into 2 Conquest/Breakthrough maps for Multiplayer (snowy/non snowy)
  2. Add Firestorm Vehicles to multiplayer and allow tractors to be drivable in vanilla maps
-The Schwimmwagen would be great for Lofoten Islands
  1. Make the Tides of War menu show what date we are currently in during WW2.
-It was doing that for the BFV Reveal. Remember the Fall of Europe?
  1. Allow us to purchase all the Tides of War cosmetics in the company screen (with CC of course)
  2. Add the mode Fortress back. Did people not like it? I never got to play it.
  3. Allow us to hear teammates requests when they are using the commorose.
-Kind of not immersive to not hear them.
  1. Fix Statistics page by allowing us to see kills for the Flamethrower, Medical Syringe, and Repair Tool (add this)
  2. Allow us to customize our planes and tanks while there are none available in the spawn screen like in BF1.
  3. Improve the Netcode (possibly, where did DICE LA's work go?)
-Still hear stories from people with bad netcode situations.
  1. Add an option to turn off the Distance Haze.
  2. Add back Squad XP boosts from BF1 (if the tech is there ofc)
  3. Add a Repair Medal/Ribbon
  4. Improve the control and handling on Transport Vehicles, Planes, and Tanks, especially the Universal Carrier.
  5. Improve loading times when quitting a match and loading into BFV for the first time. Also fix it so that alt tabbing out of the game doesn't freeze/pause the game.
  6. Improve the progression meter (circle) UI, it is confusing if I am this rank or if that is my next rank
  7. Make it so we hear the helmet and have it knock off when a sniper shoots someone in the head with a helmet like in BF1. (not sure if it is in BFV or not)
  8. Voices for the different races on the British and US side should be different than the normal white male/female American/British voice.
  9. Incendiary grenades and Flamethrowers should be able to burn down buildings and maybe trees and plants. (Destruction)
  10. Improve Dog Tag Designs and Textures
Controversial Points
  1. Add back the Sniper Sweet Spot mechanic like in BF1.
  2. Improve MMG Gameplay
-Make them fun to use, by being mobile
-Remove need to bipod possibly (controversial). Encouraging campers is not good
-A video from Westie- It's Time to END The MMG BIPOD META Battlefield 5 (Gunplay Issues)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC4cFI8Tj90
  1. Make the game Crossplay across all platforms like Modern Warfare.
Now lets talk about content.
  1. Add in PT Boats for the Pacific maps as seen in Datamines/Add in the torpedo loadouts for the amphibious tanks
  2. Add in more Tanks/Planes for the American and Japanese factions (like mustang, b-17, floatplanes). Add in a specific AA tank for both factions.
  3. Add in a British specific flying bomb (I haven't researched this enough so I'm not sure if there even is one; The JB-2 is actually a US made bomb)
  4. Add in Japanese Carriers and Landing Craft and make the Japanese the Attackers on Wake Island
  5. Add another tank for the German faction like the Hummel tank as seen in Datamines
  6. Add Battle Pickups for the British and German factions
  7. Add more Combat Roles (Archetypes) for all the classes as promised. There were so many in the Alpha/Beta. Also, add some for Pilots and Tanker Classes.
  8. Add more game modes from Datamines- Invasion, Conquer and Destroy, Battlezone, CTF, Squad Conquest Tanks.
  9. Add in a new offline mode where we can play Conquest or other modes with bots like Instant Action in Battlefront 2. Also add in offline breakthrough, which is what the upcoming Missions mode in battlefront 2 basically is.
  10. Add one more male and female character for both US and Japanese factions
  11. Add in the Al Marj Encampment map from 5 v 5 as seen in Datamines, and expand it for the larger gamemodes
  12. 5th Pacific Map- Pacific Ocean Map (hopefully it is Okinawa) as seen in Datamines
  13. Add more skins for weapons that barely have skins because I hate receiving skins for the same starter weapons over and over
  14. Add the Weapon Charm customization from Datamines
  15. Add in more WW2 authentic skins and cool skins like seen in ArtStation.
  16. Add a Japanese specific AA cannon and a US specific AT and AA cannons. (Not sure if there are any)
  17. Add in Tanker and Pilot Class Weapons like in BF1.
  18. Add the M2 Mortar.
  19. Add more accurate uniforms especially for the British. And also recolor all of the uniforms not just the default ones.
  20. Add 2 new transport vehicles (one for US and one for Japanese) that are like the M3 and Halftrack
  21. Add 2 new reinforcement vehicles (one for US and one for Japanese) that are like the T48 and Pakwagen.
  22. Add modes like Air Superiority, Tank Superiority, Sea superiority, and Carrier Assault
First off, we need a roadmap for DLCs and concept art months before hand. I am also going to name off what we already have. I also know that this will sound unlikely.
1.The 8 Vanilla Maps
2.Fall of Europe/France/Greece DLC
3.Close Quarters DLC
4.War Stories DLC-
5.Pacific DLC
6.Eastern Front DLC
7.End of WW2 DLC
8.Halvoy DLC Bonus
By now, according to this list, BFV would end up with 36 maps by the end of its life span.
If DICE continues support past this, then they should either add an Italian DLC and a Chinese DLC. Maps could be Battle of Anzio and Battle of Shanghai. They could also do a North African DLC.
DICE could also add in the French faction and put them on existing maps that are suitable for the French. Same could be said for the Greek faction and others.
Additional maps include Operation Bagration, Operation Torch, Burma, Luzon, and Sedan.
Things DICE can do if they have time for it
  1. Add the guns from 5v5 into the main game
  2. Finish 5v5 competitive mode and release it
  3. Fix Ribbons and put them back in the game
  4. Revamp the Assignment system so we can change them in-game and have more than 4 active or all of them.
  5. Add soldier dragging
  6. Add crash landings
  7. Fix the gamemode system to allow for more modes instead of always limiting modes.
  8. Fix the Double XP system (there is none, the tech isn't ready yet)
  9. Add back codex like in BF1.
  10. Add the Garotte back in the game.
  11. Add the Westland Lysander back in the game.
  12. Add War Stories Maps into the Multiplayer like Tirailleur, the Heavy Water Plant from Nordlys, and The Last Tiger
  13. Add more good War Stories.
  14. Allow us to equip 2 Dog Tags at the same time. Seeing that we can only equip 1, shows that the game was Rushed. Also, add more Dog Tags. I'm not sure if a single one has been added for post launch besides the Chapter ones.
  15. Add Fun Facts about WW2 in the loading screens like in BF1.
  16. Add back Attrition and revamp/improve/fix it.
For a final note, DICE, learn from your mistakes or you will hit rock bottom even more with Battlefield 6.
Oh, here's an additional point.
  1. Fix the Battlefield V Reveal Trailer
I make frequent edits to this list, so come back if you want.
submitted by oStarZ to BattlefieldV [link] [comments]

How to Revive Battlefield V and Make a Comeback (2020) (V2)

Hello all, I love Battlefield V and honestly, when I go to an older Battlefield game (BF3, BF4, BFH, BF1), I always want to return to Battlefield V because of all of its great features like squad reinforcements, the movement system, grenade mechanics, beautiful graphics, fortifications, health and ammo mechanics, etc. But I think that we can all agree that BFV still has a long way to go until it reaches the legendary Battlefield status for this WW2 game.
So I am making a list of things we NEED for this game.
1.Anti-Cheat System
-I think you already know
  1. Team Balancer and Improve Matchmaking
-It's coming in May, finally. (I think)
  1. Rental Server Program OR Expand Community Games/Add Custom Games (like Back to Basics) and Hardcore
-Allow us to title our servers, have admin controls, allow us to leave the servers running without being in it, more options, etc
-Make custom games return from BF1 with fun weekly changes not just a map playlist and add a hardcore mode
  1. Improve Plane Mechanics and Combat/Improve the "Bad" plane variants and update the vanilla specialization trees like the Pacific ones (increase to level 6 also)
-Better Air vs Air, Air vs Ground, and Air vs Infantry combat
-MMG/LMG Combat vs Air should be more prominent like in BF1
-Add gunner seat to mosquito and add 3rd gunner seat to blenheim (for gameplay reasons)
-A video from LevelCapGaming- How DICE Could Fix Planes in Battlefield V https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPHA4hIxuMA
  1. Improve Tank Mechanics and Combat and update the vanilla specialization trees like the Pacific ones (increase to level 6 also)
-Fun combat
-When driving a tank near water, the soldier should yell out "We are too close to water!!!" or something like that because it is confusing sometimes if the water is shallow enough or not.
-A video from AKA-ART- There's a lot wrong with the tanks in Battlefield 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ltpKB04Oh0
  1. Flares should ping your position
  2. Revamp Grand Operations and allow to see all grand operation games in server browser not just airborne games when filtering for grand op games
-Add ability to skip the intros, and add the voiced intros like BF1
-Add more Grand Operations
-Change the British transport aircraft to the C-47s from Firestorm
-Change the German transport aircraft to the JU-52s.
-Add in the XP Multiplier from BF1. (is the tech here?)
-Allow the intro to play out when I am alt tabbing on PC when playing Grand Ops. The intro literally pauses and I am forced to watch the whole text when coming back on the game.
-Add in a Grand Op menu like BF1, I like reading about the battles.
-The defending team on Airborne should not be able to see where the bomb is at all times
-After every match and switching to a new grand op, you should be able to switch to the other attack/defend team. For example, if you play a match of defending, the next grand op should be attack. Right now, you would stay defending
-Animate the soldiers sitting down in the drop ships in Airborne. They look lifeless
-A video from Westie- Grand Operations Isn't Very Good... Battlefield 5 (DICE Can Do Better!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv3mWVT2a8k
  1. Improve Breakthrough in certain maps
-The first sectors should be the easiest and then the map should be harder (look back at vanilla maps)
-Arras' 3rd sector is really lame IMO.
-Fjell 652 is worst breakthrough map for sure.
-Add in more sectors. A lot of maps have 3. Panzerstorm is really big so I think it should have more than 3 since the rounds are short during my experience.
  1. Improve Conquest on certain maps
-Some maps have open space that needs flags (for example Al Sundan or Fjell 652)
  1. Expand the Provence and Lofoten Islands maps into larger scale gamemodes
-Lofoten Islands can be a Conquest map by including all the islands into a conquest map, Provence can also be expanded to flesh out the countryside of the map into a conquest map
-A video from Westie- Battlefield 5 Has 2 Maps I Had FORGOTTEN EXISTED! - Provence & Lofoten Islands- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4bii9__1Ro
  1. Remove ability to apply Cross-Faction Elite Skins
-Tired of seeing a whole squad of Misakis, Keisukes, or Jack Culvers in the Best Squad screen for the European theater maps
  1. Add option in the settings to not be able to see other player's soldier customization
  2. Improve AI in Combined Arms/War Stories
-Make AI like Star Wars Battlefront 2 (THEY ARE STUPID IN BFV). Why is the AI in BFV so bad if you guys literally tested out the SEED project in BF1 and this SEED project was transferred to Battlefront 2
  1. Add support for Firestorm and make it FREE
- WHERE DID THE SUPPORT GO? The mode might be revived if you make it FREE, and it would bring in more players for the main game!
- Revamp Looting system in Firestorm
- Add Respawn system in Firestorm (really a fan of the Gulag from Warzone)
- The support has to be weekly changes or at least monthly changes. Add in a chapter rewards system specifically for Firestorm.
-Add Firestorm in the server browser if we are going to continue with the low player counts for the mode.
  1. Rewrite Assignments/Fix Assignments that don't work/Add better rewards/Organize Assignments
-The assignment objectives are written poorly and are tedious to do or they hurt the gameplay. Assignments need better rewards also like more CC, dogtags, melee weapons, etc. Some assignments don't even work correctly like the Fallschirmjäger: Joining the Elite special air assignment (I figured that you have to have the correct side AA guns which is dumb). The Firestorm assignment is so bad also because the rewards are a chain of 5 assignments until the end in which the reward is 500 CC.
-Add categories of assignments. For example, make a category for proficiency/mastery weapon assignments, etc.
-Fix typos...
-Add more Firestorm Assignments also
  1. Remove Paywall on EPIC tiered skins
-Be honest, why would I spend $7.50 on a weapon skin! This is still your choice though DICE or EA.
  1. Add ability to see how many flying bomb, artillery, and battle pickup kills you have in the statistics page (V1, JB-2, KI-147, etc)
  2. More improvement towards Bipod system
-Still doesn't work sometimes, BF1 system still works superior
  1. More Fortifications around some capture areas/More Fortifications for destroyable buildings
-Some flags barely have any fortifications and its so annoying
-I think there should be more fortifications to rebuild buildings and homes
  1. More Reticle options like BF1
  2. Revamp/Fix Combined Arms
-After a match of Combined Arms, joining a different mission doesn't work and its unplayable. You have to restart the game. No wonder why no one plays this mode.
-Revamp Combined Arms into the mode that is was advertised to be: A mode that is changing and evolving with different AI situations while you are playing every week, to keep gameplay fun
-If you complete a mission on hard, you should get all the company coin from easy and medium rewards including hard rewards. Same for medium.
-Add an option to see combined arms matches in the server browser.
-Add new scenarios and maps for Combined Arms similar to Star Wars Battlefront 2 Co-op
  1. Improve the Practice Range
-Make it useful like BF4 Practice Range with the moving targets. Add more vehicles and weapons (not sure about weapons since haven't used it in a while) in the practice range also.
-Haven't used it in a while, but are your loadouts and skins used in the Practice Range?
-Same with the issue with combined arms, I played the practice game, and I then played the tutorial, and then I tried to play the practice range, but it shows a black screen with the menu music in the background and it puts me back in the frontend. So, I was unable to play unless I restarted the game which I did not.
  1. Company Coin payout at End of Round similar to credits in Star Wars Battlefront 2
-I'm really scrapping dust for CC. The balance between using your CC for specializations and skins is bad. I'm level 70 so far and have only bought one cosmetic with CC and the rest of my CC is used for specializations. I'm not sure when I will ever be able to purchase those vehicle skin packages for 75,000 CC.
  1. Better Performance/Optimization for PC
-FPS LAG, I have to turn on FFR for good FPS on ultra. Why is BF1 performance so much better?
  1. Bug Fixes (I HATE SPAWN SCREEN BUGS and the bugs in the Company menu with the white dots)
-Fix UI not showing the correct chapter rank
  1. Add Service Stars for Weapons
  2. Add back the melee type system from BF1
-I want to be able to break barbed wire with some melee weapons
  1. Map Voting system
  2. Improve Pinging system
-Allow us to see nearby teammates’ pings, add specific callouts, add a better danger ping system, make it like COD MW Warzone pinging system
-The AI soldiers in the tutorial were very vocal, and it was cool to hear. This would be cool to hear in multiplayer.
  1. Redesign the armory, allow us to see previous items, allow for more new items per week.
  2. Improve Hitching system
-Allow us to change seats to the hitched AA/AT gun seat like how we can change seats normally otherwise hitching is useless, and allow all vehicles to hitch
-Be able to hitch with all vehicles and allow us to hitch every cannon/turret (not sure if this is a thing or not)
-Make all transport vehicles already have something hitched to it by default
-Improve the controls for moving around the hitched cannon/turret
  1. Remove ability to shoot down friendly flares
  2. Allow us to know what squad we are in showed in the spawn screen, so we know if we are one of the top squads at the end of round.
  3. Look at all soldier appearances and vehicles and make them more authentic to the era like looking at the color pallets.
-DICE is finally doing this for the May update.
  1. Add a Vehicle spawn queue
-Camping the vehicle spawn is so annoying and this is still a problem in all Battlefields besides Battlefield Hardline...Hardline still gets some things right for all (if I recall, hardline has one, or something that takes small steps towards a vehicle queue)
  1. Add Duos back in Firestorm
  2. Update Vanilla Gun Specialization Trees to be more interesting like the pacific ones
-It seems as if I always prefer one road down the tree and similar ones for all guns.
  1. Team Switcher
-I would like to help out the losing side by switching to them.
-Also, when playing match after match in conquest, currently, you stay on the same faction every match. Your faction needs to change every round.
  1. Make calling out for help in the revive screen louder so your teammates can hear you. Make it also so that the revive icon is flashing when someone is calling out for help. Also, allow us to call out for medics while downed by using the commorose.
  2. Allow us to see our weapon/tank/plane/class/rank progression while playing in game like Battlefront 2. Rank progression should be when you go in the exit screen. Also, either allow us to view rewards while playing in-game in the menus or remove the words "View Rewards" in the top right when clicking on your combat roles, etc.
  3. Allow us to view recent servers and favorite servers.
  4. Allow us to see how far in the match is in the server browser, like on Battlelog.
  5. Teach players how to ping enemies in the tutorial.
  6. Add back south africa/middle east servers.
-Have seen of people from those areas complaining
-How about when quick matchmaking, force them to join their own servers? I know they might end up in empty servers, but DICE I think you can find a way to fix this rather than deleting them.
  1. Add Skill Based Matchmaking (I believe this is coming in May)
  2. Put AI controlled AA cannons at bases, like in BF3/BF4 (I think it was also in BF4 maybe)
  3. Update Vanilla maps so that planes can't resupply at enemy bases.
-In the pacific maps, we cannot do that.
  1. Give an option to equip soldier customization sets like weapon sets.
-Really annoying one
  1. Add Weather Conditions to vanilla maps in conquest and other modes not just Grand Operations. (Night, Aurora, Sandstorm, Snowstorm, Rain, etc.)
  2. Add ping based matchmaking like Modern Warfare because why would you not...
-Not sure if this is already in the game or not since people on the PC chat were wondering why they were in another countries' server whilst for me, I seem to matchmake correctly.
  1. Add more background battles on all maps.
-Like in Iwo Jima
-Battlefront 2 Geonosis on Galactic Assault is a prime example
  1. Fix the lighting in some maps.
-Make atmosphere more WW2 like
-Make Hamada lighting like in the Prologue of War Stories
-Make Panzerstorm Lightning/Graphics like the trailer.
-Make Halvoy Lighting/Graphics like the trailer.
-A video from Lossy- Fixing the Weird Lighting in Battlefield 5- https://youtu.be/79DiPYupp-s
  1. Turn Halvoy into 2 Conquest/Breakthrough maps for Multiplayer (snowy/non snowy)
  2. Add Firestorm Vehicles to multiplayer and allow tractors to be drivable in vanilla maps
-The Schwimmwagen would be great for Lofoten Islands
  1. Make the Tides of War menu show what date we are currently in during WW2.
-It was doing that for the BFV Reveal. Remember the Fall of Europe?
  1. Allow us to purchase all the Tides of War cosmetics in the company screen (with CC of course)
  2. Add the mode Fortress back. Did people not like it? I never got to play it.
  3. Allow us to hear teammates requests when they are using the commorose.
-Kind of not immersive to not hear them.
  1. Fix Statistics page by allowing us to see kills for the Flamethrower, Medical Syringe, and Repair Tool (add this)
  2. Allow us to customize our planes and tanks while there are none available in the spawn screen like in BF1.
  3. Improve the Netcode (possibly, where did DICE LA's work go?)
-Still hear stories from people with bad netcode situations.
  1. Add an option to turn off the Distance Haze.
  2. Add back Squad XP boosts from BF1 (if the tech is there ofc)
  3. Add a Repair Medal/Ribbon
  4. Improve the control and handling on Transport Vehicles, Planes, and Tanks, especially the Universal Carrier.
  5. Improve loading times when quitting a match and loading into BFV for the first time. Also fix it so that alt tabbing out of the game doesn't freeze/pause the game.
  6. Improve the progression meter (circle) UI, it is confusing if I am this rank or if that is my next rank
  7. Make it so we hear the helmet and have it knock off when a sniper shoots someone in the head with a helmet like in BF1. (not sure if it is in BFV or not)
  8. Voices for the different races on the British and US side should be different than the normal white male/female American/British voice.
  9. Incendiary grenades and Flamethrowers should be able to burn down buildings and maybe trees and plants. (Destruction)
  10. Improve Dog Tag Designs and Textures
Controversial Points
  1. Add back the Sniper Sweet Spot mechanic like in BF1.
  2. Improve MMG Gameplay
-Make them fun to use, by being mobile
-Remove need to bipod possibly (controversial). Encouraging campers is not good
-A video from Westie- It's Time to END The MMG BIPOD META Battlefield 5 (Gunplay Issues)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC4cFI8Tj90
  1. Make the game Crossplay across all platforms like Modern Warfare.
Now lets talk about content.
  1. Add in PT Boats for the Pacific maps as seen in Datamines/Add in the torpedo loadouts for the amphibious tanks
  2. Add in more Tanks/Planes for the American and Japanese factions (like mustang, b-17, floatplanes). Add in a specific AA tank for both factions.
  3. Add in a British specific flying bomb (I haven't researched this enough so I'm not sure if there even is one; The JB-2 is actually a US made bomb)
  4. Add in Japanese Carriers and Landing Craft and make the Japanese the Attackers on Wake Island
  5. Add another tank for the German faction like the Hummel tank as seen in Datamines
  6. Add Battle Pickups for the British and German factions
  7. Add more Combat Roles (Archetypes) for all the classes as promised. There were so many in the Alpha/Beta. Also, add some for Pilots and Tanker Classes.
  8. Add more game modes from Datamines- Invasion, Conquer and Destroy, Battlezone, CTF, Squad Conquest Tanks.
  9. Add in a new offline mode where we can play Conquest or other modes with bots like Instant Action in Battlefront 2. Also add in offline breakthrough, which is what the upcoming Missions mode in battlefront 2 basically is.
  10. Add one more male and female character for both US and Japanese factions
  11. Add in the Al Marj Encampment map from 5 v 5 as seen in Datamines, and expand it for the larger gamemodes
  12. 5th Pacific Map- Pacific Ocean Map (hopefully it is Okinawa) as seen in Datamines
  13. Add more skins for weapons that barely have skins because I hate receiving skins for the same starter weapons over and over
  14. Add the Weapon Charm customization from Datamines
  15. Add in more WW2 authentic skins and cool skins like seen in ArtStation.
  16. Add a Japanese specific AA cannon and a US specific AT and AA cannons. (Not sure if there are any)
  17. Add in Tanker and Pilot Class Weapons like in BF1.
  18. Add the M2 Mortar.
  19. Add more accurate uniforms especially for the British. And also recolor all of the uniforms not just the default ones.
  20. Add 2 new transport vehicles (one for US and one for Japanese) that are like the M3 and Halftrack
  21. Add 2 new reinforcement vehicles (one for US and one for Japanese) that are like the T48 and Pakwagen.
  22. Add modes like Air Superiority, Tank Superiority, Sea superiority, and Carrier Assault
First off, we need a roadmap for DLCs and concept art months before hand. I am also going to name off what we already have. I also know that this will sound unlikely.
1.The 8 Vanilla Maps
2.Fall of Europe/France/Greece DLC
3.Close Quarters DLC
4.War Stories DLC-
5.Pacific DLC
6.Eastern Front DLC
7.End of WW2 DLC
8.Halvoy DLC Bonus
By now, according to this list, BFV would end up with 36 maps by the end of its life span.
If DICE continues support past this, then they should either add an Italian DLC and a Chinese DLC. Maps could be Battle of Anzio and Battle of Shanghai. They could also do a North African DLC.
DICE could also add in the French faction and put them on existing maps that are suitable for the French. Same could be said for the Greek faction and others.
Additional maps include Operation Bagration, Operation Torch, Burma, Luzon, and Sedan.
Things DICE can do if they have time for it
  1. Add the guns from 5v5 into the main game
  2. Finish 5v5 competitive mode and release it
  3. Fix Ribbons and put them back in the game
  4. Revamp the Assignment system so we can change them in-game and have more than 4 active or all of them.
  5. Add soldier dragging
  6. Add crash landings
  7. Fix the gamemode system to allow for more modes instead of always limiting modes.
  8. Fix the Double XP system (there is none, the tech isn't ready yet)
  9. Add back codex like in BF1.
  10. Add the Garotte back in the game.
  11. Add the Westland Lysander back in the game.
  12. Add War Stories Maps into the Multiplayer like Tirailleur, the Heavy Water Plant from Nordlys, and The Last Tiger
  13. Add more good War Stories.
  14. Allow us to equip 2 Dog Tags at the same time. Seeing that we can only equip 1, shows that the game was Rushed. Also, add more Dog Tags. I'm not sure if a single one has been added for post launch besides the Chapter ones.
  15. Add Fun Facts about WW2 in the loading screens like in BF1.
  16. Add back Attrition and revamp/improve/fix it.
For a final note, DICE, learn from your mistakes or you will hit rock bottom even more with Battlefield 6.
Oh, here's an additional point.
  1. Fix the Battlefield V Reveal Trailer
I make frequent edits to this list, so come back if you want.
submitted by oStarZ to BattlefieldV [link] [comments]

Everything Can be Improved in June Update

Yes, I know the game is ending. Here is everything that still can be improved in the June Update
1.Anti-Cheat System
-I think you already know
  1. Team Balancer and Improve Matchmaking
  2. Rental Server Program OR Expand Community Games/Add Custom Games (like Back to Basics) and Hardcore
-Allow us to title our servers, have admin controls, allow us to leave the servers running without being in it, more options, etc
-Make custom games return from BF1 with fun weekly changes not just a map playlist and add a hardcore mode
  1. Improve Plane Mechanics and Combat/Improve the "Bad" plane variants and update the vanilla specialization trees like the Pacific ones (increase to level 6 also)
-Better Air vs Air, Air vs Ground, and Air vs Infantry combat
-MMG/LMG Combat vs Air should be more prominent like in BF1
-Improve controls in FPS and 3PS
-Add gunner seat to mosquito and add 3rd gunner seat to blenheim (for gameplay reasons)
-A video from LevelCapGaming- How DICE Could Fix Planes in Battlefield V- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPHA4hIxuMA
  1. Improve Tank Mechanics and Combat and update the vanilla specialization trees like the Pacific ones (increase to level 6 also)
-Fun combat
-Tank controls need to be better, specifically while in third person and also while in first person with the bobbing
-When driving a tank near water, the soldier should yell out "We are too close to water!!!" or something like that because it is confusing sometimes if the water is shallow enough or not.
-A video from AKA-ART- There's a lot wrong with the tanks in Battlefield 5- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ltpKB04Oh0
  1. Flares should ping your position
  2. Revamp Grand Operations and allow to see all grand operation games in server browser not just airborne games when filtering for grand op games
-Add ability to skip the intros, and add the voiced intros like BF1
-Add more Grand Operations
-Change the British transport aircraft to the C-47s from Firestorm
-Change the German transport aircraft to the JU-52s.
-Add in the XP Multiplier from BF1. (is the tech here?)
-Allow the intro to play out when I am alt tabbing on PC when playing Grand Ops. The intro literally pauses and I am forced to watch the whole text when coming back on the game.
-Add in a Grand Op menu like BF1, I like reading about the battles.
-The defending team on Airborne should not be able to see where the bomb is at all times
-After every match and switching to a new grand op, you should be able to switch to the other attack/defend team. For example, if you play a match of defending, the next grand op should be attack. Right now, you would stay defending
-Animate the soldiers sitting down in the drop ships in Airborne. They look lifeless
-Allow us to quit or quit to the desktop in between days during the cinematics or text screens)
-A video from Westie- Grand Operations Isn't Very Good... Battlefield 5 (DICE Can Do Better!)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv3mWVT2a8k
  1. Improve Breakthrough in certain maps
-The first sectors should be the easiest and then the map should be harder (look back at vanilla maps)
-Arras' 3rd sector is really lame IMO.
-Fjell 652 is worst breakthrough map for sure.
-Add in more sectors. A lot of maps have 3. Panzerstorm is really big so I think it should have more than 3 since the rounds are short during my experience.
  1. Improve Conquest on certain maps
-Some maps have open space that needs flags (for example Al Sundan or Fjell 652)
  1. Expand the Provence and Lofoten Islands maps into larger scale gamemodes
-Lofoten Islands can be a Conquest map by including all the islands into a conquest map, Provence can also be expanded to flesh out the countryside of the map into a conquest map
-A video from Westie- Battlefield 5 Has 2 Maps I Had FORGOTTEN EXISTED! - Provence & Lofoten Islands- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4bii9\_\_1Ro
  1. Remove ability to apply Cross-Faction Elite Skins or Turn off Cross-Faction Elite Skin visiblity
-Tired of seeing a whole squad of Misakis, Keisukes, or Jack Culvers in the Best Squad screen for the European theater maps
  1. Add option in the settings to not be able to see other player's soldier customization
  2. Improve AI in Combined Arms/War Stories
-Make AI like Star Wars Battlefront 2 (THEY ARE STUPID IN BFV). Why is the AI in BFV so bad if you guys literally tested out the SEED project in BF1 and this SEED project was transferred to Battlefront 2
  1. Add support for Firestorm and make it FREE
- WHERE DID THE SUPPORT GO? The mode might be revived if you make it FREE, and it would bring in more players for the main game!
- Revamp Looting system in Firestorm
- Add Respawn system in Firestorm (really a fan of the Gulag from Warzone)
- The support has to be weekly changes or at least monthly changes. Add in a chapter rewards system specifically for Firestorm.
-Add Firestorm in the server browser if we are going to continue with the low player counts for the mode.
  1. Rewrite Assignments/Fix Assignments that don't work/Add better rewards/Organize Assignments
-The assignment objectives are written poorly and are tedious to do or they hurt the gameplay. Assignments need better rewards also like more CC, dogtags, melee weapons, etc. Some assignments don't even work correctly like the Fallschirmjäger: Joining the Elite special air assignment (I figured that you have to have the correct side AA guns which is dumb). The Firestorm assignment is so bad also because the rewards are a chain of 5 assignments until the end in which the reward is 500 CC.
-Add categories of assignments. For example, make a category for proficiency/mastery weapon assignments, etc.
-Fix typos...
-Add more Firestorm Assignments also
  1. Remove Paywall on EPIC tiered skins
-Be honest, why would I spend $7.50 on a weapon skin! This is still your choice though DICE or EA.
  1. Add ability to see how many flying bomb, artillery, and battle pickup kills you have in the statistics page (V1, JB-2, KI-147, etc)
  2. More improvement towards Bipod system
-Still doesn't work sometimes, BF1 system still works superior
  1. More Fortifications around some capture areas/More Fortifications for destroyable buildings
-Some flags barely have any fortifications and its so annoying
-I think there should be more fortifications to rebuild buildings and homes
  1. More Reticle options like BF1
  2. Revamp/Fix Combined Arms
-After a match of Combined Arms, joining a different mission doesn't work and its unplayable. You have to restart the game. No wonder why no one plays this mode.
-Revamp Combined Arms into the mode that is was advertised to be: A mode that is changing and evolving with different AI situations while you are playing every week, to keep gameplay fun. As well as the mission generation and high stakes.
-If you complete a mission on hard, you should get all the company coin from easy and medium rewards including hard rewards. Same for medium.
-Add an option to see combined arms matches in the server browser.
-Add new scenarios and maps for Combined Arms similar to Star Wars Battlefront 2 Co-op
  1. Improve the Practice Range
-Make it useful like BF4 Practice Range with the moving targets. Add all vehicles and all weapons in the practice range also.
-Be able to use your specializations on vehicles and weapons as well as your skins
-Be able to choose any of your classes at the start, and use their loadouts
-Add icons in the UI and Minimap for where you can change loadouts and settings
-Same with the issue with combined arms, I played the practice game, and I then played the tutorial, and then I tried to play the practice range, but it shows a black screen with the menu music in the background and it puts me back in the frontend. So, I was unable to play unless I restarted the game which I did not.
  1. Company Coin payout at End of Round similar to credits in Star Wars Battlefront 2
-I'm really scrapping dust for CC. The balance between using your CC for specializations and skins is bad. I'm level 70 so far and have only bought one cosmetic with CC and the rest of my CC is used for specializations. I'm not sure when I will ever be able to purchase those vehicle skin packages for 75,000 CC.
  1. Better Performance/Optimization for PC
-FPS LAG, I have to turn on FFR for good FPS on ultra. Why is BF1 performance so much better?
  1. Bug Fixes (I HATE SPAWN SCREEN BUGS and the bugs in the Company menu with the white dots)
-Fix UI not showing the correct chapter rank
-Fix chat bugs
-Fix retreater UI bugs
  1. Add Service Stars for Weapons
  2. Add back the melee type system from BF1
-I want to be able to break barbed wire with some melee weapons
  1. Map Voting system
  2. Improve Pinging system
-Make it so that it instantly puts a danger ping at the enemy that killed you's position while you are down in the revive screen.
-Allow us to see nearby teammates’ pings, add specific callouts, add a better danger ping system, make it like COD MW Warzone pinging system
-The AI soldiers in the tutorial were very vocal, and it was cool to hear. This would be cool to hear in multiplayer.
  1. Redesign the armory, allow us to see previous items, allow for more new items per week.
  2. Improve Hitching system
-Allow us to change seats to the hitched AA/AT gun seat like how we can change seats normally otherwise hitching is useless, and allow all vehicles to hitch
-Be able to hitch with all vehicles and allow us to hitch every cannon/turret (not sure if this is a thing or not)
-Make all transport vehicles already have something hitched to it by default
-Improve the controls for moving around the hitched cannon/turret
  1. Remove ability to shoot down friendly flares
  2. Allow us to know what squad we are in showed in the spawn screen, so we know if we are one of the top squads at the end of round.
  3. Look at all soldier appearances and vehicles and make them more authentic to the era like looking at the color pallets.
-DICE is finally doing this for the May update.
  1. Add a Vehicle spawn queue
-Camping the vehicle spawn is so annoying and this is still a problem in all Battlefields besides Battlefield Hardline...Hardline still gets some things right for all (if I recall, hardline has one, or something that takes small steps towards a vehicle queue)
  1. Add Duos back in Firestorm
  2. Update Vanilla Gun Specialization Trees to be more interesting like the pacific ones
-It seems as if I always prefer one road down the tree and similar ones for all guns.
  1. Team Switcher
-I would like to help out the losing side by switching to them.
-Also, when playing match after match in conquest, currently, you stay on the same faction every match. Your faction needs to change every round.
  1. Make calling out for help in the revive screen louder so your teammates can hear you. Make it also so that the revive icon is flashing when someone is calling out for help. Also, allow us to call out for medics while downed by using the commorose.
  2. Allow us to see our weapon/tank/plane/class/rank progression while playing in game like Battlefront 2. Rank progression should be when you go in the exit screen. Also, either allow us to view rewards while playing in-game in the menus or remove the words "View Rewards" in the top right when clicking on your combat roles, etc.
  3. Allow us to view recent servers and favorite servers.
  4. Allow us to see how far in the match is in the server browser, like on Battlelog.
  5. Teach players how to ping enemies in the tutorial.
  6. Add back south africa/middle east servers.
-Have seen of people from those areas complaining
-How about when quick matchmaking, force them to join their own servers? I know they might end up in empty servers, but DICE I think you can find a way to fix this rather than deleting them.
  1. Add Skill Based Matchmaking (I believe this is coming in May)
  2. Put AI controlled AA cannons at bases, like in BF3/BF4 (I think it was also in BF4 maybe)
  3. Update Vanilla maps so that planes can't resupply at enemy bases.
-In the pacific maps, we cannot do that.
  1. Give an option to equip soldier customization sets like weapon sets.
-Really annoying one
  1. Add Weather Conditions to vanilla maps in conquest and other modes not just Grand Operations. (Night, Aurora, Sandstorm, Snowstorm, Rain, etc.)
  2. Add ping based matchmaking like Modern Warfare because why would you not...
-Not sure if this is already in the game or not since people on the PC chat were wondering why they were in another countries' server whilst for me, I seem to matchmake correctly.
  1. Add more background battles on all maps.
-Like in Iwo Jima
-Battlefront 2 Geonosis on Galactic Assault is a prime example
  1. Fix the lighting in some maps.
-Make atmosphere more WW2 like
-Make Hamada lighting like in the Prologue of War Stories
-Make Panzerstorm Lightning/Graphics like the trailer.
-Make Halvoy Lighting/Graphics like the trailer.
-A video from Lossy- Fixing the Weird Lighting in Battlefield 5- https://youtu.be/79DiPYupp-s
  1. Turn Halvoy into 2 Conquest/Breakthrough maps for Multiplayer (snowy/non snowy)
  2. Add Firestorm Vehicles to multiplayer and allow tractors to be drivable in vanilla maps
-The Schwimmwagen would be great for Lofoten Islands
  1. Make the Tides of War menu show what date we are currently in during WW2.
-It was doing that for the BFV Reveal. Remember the Fall of Europe?
  1. Allow us to purchase all the Tides of War cosmetics in the company screen (with CC of course)
  2. Add the mode Fortress back. Did people not like it? I never got to play it.
  3. Allow us to hear teammates requests when they are using the commorose.
-Kind of not immersive to not hear them.
  1. Fix Statistics page by allowing us to see kills for the Flamethrower, Medical Syringe, and Repair Tool (add this)
  2. Allow us to customize our planes and tanks while there are none available in the spawn screen like in BF1.
  3. Improve the Netcode (possibly, where did DICE LA's work go?)
-Still hear stories from people with bad netcode situations.
  1. Add an option to turn off the Distance Haze.
  2. Add back Squad XP boosts from BF1 (if the tech is there ofc)
  3. Add a Repair Medal/Ribbon
  4. Improve the control and handling on Transport Vehicles, Planes, and Tanks, especially the Universal Carrier.
-Be able to drift
  1. Improve loading times when quitting a match and loading into BFV for the first time. Also fix it so that alt tabbing out of the game doesn't freeze/pause the game.
  2. Improve the progression meter (circle) UI, it is confusing if I am this rank or if that is my next rank
  3. Make it so we hear the helmet and have it knock off when a sniper shoots someone in the head with a helmet like in BF1. (not sure if it is in BFV or not)
  4. Voices for the different races on the British and US side should be different than the normal white male/female American/British voice.
  5. Incendiary grenades and Flamethrowers should be able to burn down buildings and maybe trees and plants. (Destruction)
  6. Improve Dog Tag Designs and Textures
  7. Allow to Chat in the End of Round Screen (not sure if this is already a thing or not)
  8. Receive points for escorting the bomb carrier (defending)
  9. Be able to scroll in the chat higher up
  10. When in a downed state, you should be able to target a medic like how a medic can target downed teammates
  11. Be able to go to the squad spawn screen if you are in the map overview
  12. The bushes on Hamada and Al Sundan need physics/destructibility and as well as on any other map applicable
  13. Explain all vehicle icons
  14. Improve Frontlines on all Maps
-Arras needs more flags and also look at the base spawns to have multiple ones near specific objectives, this applies for other modes as well and other maps too
  1. At E on Wake Island, when exploding the fuel tanks, it should do damage to enemies and you yourself, and the fire should also do damage a little bit. You should also get kills from blowing up the explosive stations at D (not sure if this works or not)
  2. Be able to unfilter profanities
  3. Be able to move all UI elements wherever you want
  4. You should get a refund of whatever items you already have if you buy a pack in the armory (not sure if this already happens or not)
  5. Add a quick match option like in Battlefront 2 where it puts you in a random gamemode preferably one that needs players
  6. Have the option to queue for both Squad or Solo in Firestorm
  7. Have the option to quick match any difficulty in combined arms
  8. Show how many players are needed to start the round while in the pick the class screen.
  9. You should receive points for assisting the capture of a flag if you get killed right before it gets captured.
  10. Receive squad assist kills when the squad leader gets kills with squad call ins (flying bombs, etc) (the amount of score you receive depends on how many requisition points you earned for your squad)
  11. Be able to call in squad call ins while inside a vehicle (tank, plane, transport, etc)
  12. Get kills if you kill someone with debris (not sure if this is already a thing or not)
  13. Be able to give squad orders in the revive screen.
  14. Be able to see how many orders are already on a flag from all the squads on your team. Like (battlefront 2 kind of)
  15. Receive damage for stepping on fire on maps.
  16. Be able to turn and move AT gun emplacements
  17. The shade/hood that gets built after building some fortifications should be able to come back after it gets destroyed for the first time.
  18. Be able to see what weapon/soldietank/plane skin someone has equipped like in BF1
  19. The tanker and pilot weapons should have the skin you have equipped on the main classes.
  20. Be able to see who the spectators are in the scoreboard
  21. Improve visibility on certain maps like Marita
  22. Have the tractor respawn
  23. Say in game if you rank up in the Chapter and be able to see what rank you are in game; if you rank it up in game, and then leave, the chapter rewards menu should say that you completed the rank and you should receive your award and not have to wait until the game ends. Same applies for ranking up weapons, player rank, and classes.
  24. Have the game automatically combine squads unless they are locked
  25. The music on the 5v5 Maps should be applied to the rest of the game
  26. Be able to see what flag a squadmate is near when using squad spawn
  27. Add more epic soldier chants and rallies at the start of the match like in BF1 and the US at their spawn on the carriers.
  28. Say what weapon/gadget I killed the enemy with in the score log.
  29. Be able to see how much XP a medal gives you and fix typos on the medal objectives. Got should be get, and then it should change to got once you do the objective.
Controversial Points
  1. Add back the Sniper Sweet Spot mechanic like in BF1.
  2. Improve MMG Gameplay
-Make them fun to use, by being mobile
-Remove need to bipod possibly (controversial). Encouraging campers is not good
-A video from Westie- It's Time to END The MMG BIPOD META Battlefield 5 (Gunplay Issues)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC4cFI8Tj90
  1. Make the game Crossplay across all platforms like Modern Warfare.
  2. Allow us to quit or quit to desktop in game while in the best squad screen and defeat/victory screen; Also allow an option to quit to desktop in-game and in the EOR screen like Modern Warfare
Now lets talk about CONTENT.
  1. Add in PT Boats for the Pacific maps as seen in Datamines/Add in the torpedo loadouts for the amphibious tanks
  2. Add in more Tanks/Planes for the American and Japanese factions (like mustang, b-17, floatplanes). Add in a specific AA tank for both factions.
  3. Add in a British specific flying bomb (I haven't researched this enough so I'm not sure if there even is one; The JB-2 is actually a US made bomb)
  4. Add in Japanese Carriers and Landing Craft and make the Japanese the Attackers on Wake Island
  5. Add another tank for the German faction like the Hummel tank as seen in Datamines
  6. Add Battle Pickups for the British and German factions
  7. Add more Combat Roles (Archetypes) for all the classes as promised. There were so many in the Alpha/Beta. Also, add some for Pilots and Tanker Classes.
  8. Add more game modes from Datamines- Invasion, Conquer and Destroy, Battlezone, CTF, Squad Conquest Tanks.
  9. Add in a new offline mode where we can play Conquest or other modes with bots like Instant Action in Battlefront 2. Also add in offline breakthrough, which is what the upcoming Missions mode in battlefront 2 basically is.
  10. Add one more male and female character for both US and Japanese factions
  11. Add in the Al Marj Encampment map from 5 v 5 as seen in Datamines, and expand it for the larger gamemodes
  12. 5th Pacific Map- Pacific Ocean Map (hopefully it is Okinawa) as seen in Datamines
  13. Add more skins for weapons that barely have skins because I hate receiving skins for the same starter weapons over and over
  14. Add the Weapon Charm customization from Datamines
  15. Add in more WW2 authentic skins and cool skins like seen in ArtStation.
  16. Add a Japanese specific AA cannon and a US specific AT and AA cannons. (Not sure if there are any)
  17. Add in Tanker and Pilot Class Weapons like in BF1.
  18. Add the M2 Mortar.
  19. Add more accurate uniforms especially for the British. And also recolor all of the uniforms not just the default ones.
  20. Add 2 new transport vehicles (one for US and one for Japanese) that are like the M3 and Halftrack
  21. Add 2 new reinforcement vehicles (one for US and one for Japanese) that are like the T48 and Pakwagen.
  22. Add modes like Air Superiority, Tank Superiority, Sea superiority, and Carrier Assault
-The Maps for Air Superiority could be Battle of Britain
-The Maps for Sea Superiority (NEW MODE) could be Midway, Coral Sea, Leyte Gulf, Battle of the Atlantic, Phillipine Sea, etc.
-The Maps for Tank Superiority could be Operation Barbarossa (or Battle of Brody)
First off, we need a roadmap for DLCs and concept art months before hand. I am also going to name off what we already have. I also know that this will sound unlikely.
  1. The 8 Vanilla Maps
  2. Fall of Europe/France/Greece DLC
-4 Maps include- Panzerstorm, Battle of Dunkirk (we don't have this), Mercury, Marita
  1. Close Quarters DLC
-4 Maps include Lofoten Islands, Provence, Operation Underground, Al Marj Encampment
-4.War Stories DLC-
-4 Maps include Al Sudan, Tirailleur, Nordly's Heavy Water Plant, The Last Tiger's Destroyed City
  1. Pacific DLC
-4 Maps include Iwo Jima, Pacific Storm, Wake Island, Solomon Islands
  1. Eastern Front DLC
-Adds USSR including tanks, planes, and weapons
-4 Maps include Stalingrad, Kursk, Moscow, Kharkov
  1. End of WW2 DLC
-6 Maps include D-Day, Bulge, Berlin, Okinawa (Pacific Ocean?), Market Garden, Monte Cassino (Battle for Rome)
  1. Halvoy DLC Bonus
-2 Maps centering around the snowy region and non snow region of Halvoy for all modes
By now, according to this list, BFV would end up with 36 maps by the end of its life span.
If DICE continues support past this, then they should either add an Italian DLC and a Chinese DLC. Maps could be Battle of Anzio and Battle of Shanghai. They could also do a North African DLC.
DICE could also add in the French faction and put them on existing maps that are suitable for the French. Same could be said for the Greek faction and others.
Additional maps include Operation Bagration, Operation Torch, Burma, Luzon, and Sedan.
Things DICE can do if they have time for it
  1. Add the guns from 5v5 into the main game
  2. Finish 5v5 competitive mode and release it
  3. Fix Ribbons and put them back in the game
  4. Revamp the Assignment system so we can change them in-game and have more than 4 active or all of them.
  5. Add soldier dragging
  6. Add crash landings
  7. Fix the gamemode system to allow for more modes instead of always limiting modes.
  8. Fix the Double XP system (there is none, the tech isn't ready yet)
  9. Add back codex like in BF1.
  10. Add the Garotte back in the game.
  11. Add the Westland Lysander back in the game.
  12. Add War Stories Maps into the Multiplayer like Tirailleur, the Heavy Water Plant from Nordlys, and The Last Tiger
  13. Add more good War Stories.
  14. Allow us to equip 2 Dog Tags at the same time. Seeing that we can only equip 1, shows that the game was Rushed. Also, add more Dog Tags. I'm not sure if a single one has been added for post launch besides the Chapter ones.
  15. Add Fun Facts about WW2 in the loading screens like in BF1.
  16. Add back Attrition and revamp/improve/fix it.
  17. Add all the datamined weapons, gadgets, and vehicles.
-The content tracker from Colers100- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X3zd__IuYz_LEh4Z8ka21a-GVB37sK9qDrV7R6i5hiI/edit#gid=0
For a final note, DICE, learn from your mistakes or you will hit rock bottom even more with Battlefield 6.
I make frequent edits to this list, so come back if you want.
submitted by oStarZ to BattlefieldV [link] [comments]

Great Games with Traditional Playing Cards For All Occasions

Great Games with Traditional Playing Cards

Most people have learned a handful of traditional card games at best, but the truth is that there is just a whole world of wonderful card games out there, just waiting to be discovered and explored. I have a large collection of other modern games, but over the years I have learned a lot of card games with a traditional deck, and I find myself often coming back to them - especially when I have a custom deck in my hands!
So here is a list of some of my favourite traditional games with standard playing cards, arranged alphabetically within three main categories: social and family games, trick-taking games, and non trick-taking games. Included at the end of the list is a section with books about games with playing cards that I own and can recommend, along with links to some other resources. Each game has a direct link to where you can find the rules on Pagat.com, which is the most authoritative and comprehensive website with rules for games with traditional playing cards. I've also noted the number of players each game is suitable for. It is worth noting that several of these games are particularly excellent for just two players.
Although some more recently invented games are included, for the most part the emphasis of this list is on traditional card games that have stood the test of time in some way, and we are not concerned here with using a standard deck to play modern games. Obviously there are many other games that can be played with a standard deck of cards besides the ones included here. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, but just represents the ones are most well-known, and for the most part are games that I have personally tried and enjoyed, or ones that I know are good classics that are worthwhile learning. I hope this will encourage you to stretch yourself outside of your comfort zone, and that you will take the time to learn and explore some new territory. Believe me, it is really worth it, because there are some truly fantastic games here!

Social and Family Games

This category is somewhat arbitrary in that some of the card games in the other categories can also be enjoyed socially or with children, and the games in this category are certainly not just for children. But if I was looking for a fun and lighter game that is easy to learn and play, these are all excellent choices.
Blitz (2-12 players) - A popular and casual/social card game, also known as "Scat", "Thirty-One", "Ride the Bus", and "Blitz". By drawing and discarding a card each turn, the aim is to try to improve your three card hand to have the closest to 31 points in one suit.
Cheat (3-13 players) - Also called "I Doubt It" or "Bullsh**", this is a game many children have played. The aim is to be the first to get rid of all your cards, and you can bluff about what cards you are playing on a turn, but if you get challenged and caught out you have to pick up the entire pile.
Egyptian Ratscrew (2-6 players) - This is a quick-slapping game that is like Slap Jack on steroids, and has been published commercially under the name Slamwich.
Fan Tan (3-6 players) - Also known as "Sevens", "Domino", "Parliament", and "Pay or Play". In turns players play a card to a common layout, which will begin with sevens as the foundation for each suit. Once a seven is played, you can build up or down on that suit, with the aim to be the first to play all your cards.
GOPS (2 players) - A simple and quick bidding/bluffing game for two players. The Diamonds are point cards corresponding to their value, and revealed one at a time in random order. Players each get an entire suit as their hand (Clubs or Spades), and play a card of their choice, with the revealed point card going to the higher played card. GOPS is an acronym for "Game Of Pure Strategy", since there is zero luck.
Knock Out Whist (2-7 players) - Also called "Trumps", this is a simplified version of Whist, where the aim is to avoid elimination after each hand by winning at least one trick. The first hand has seven tricks, and it becomes harder to stay in the game because each successive hand has one less trick. A perfect game to introduce people to trick-taking.
Mao (2-7 players) - This game has especially been popular in college and university crowds since the 1960s, and the aim is not just to win but to have fun. Essentially it is a Crazy Eights variant with special additions, but the rules may not be discussed; new players are expected to try to figure out the rules by observing a game and by trial and error. Theoretically there are overtones of Mornington Crescent, Fizzbin, and Calvinball, but Mao is actually a playable game.
Palace (2-6 players) - Also called "Sh**head" or "Karma". A very light casual game, where the aim is to avoid being last to get rid of your cards. Players each have a row of three face down cards, a row of three face up cards covering these, and a hand of three cards. On your turn you play cards equal or higher than the card on the discard pile, otherwise you pick up the entire pile.
President (3-16 players) - Classically known as "Chairman," "Scum," or "A**hole", and fun for groups, this is an easy introduction to the family of climbing games. The aim is to get rid of cards as soon as possible, and you must play at least as many cards as the previous player, but with higher values. Depending on the order in which players go out, a new hierarchy of players is established. A variation of this was published commercially as The Great Dalmuti. For more advanced climbing games, see Big Two later on this list.
Ranter-Go-Round (3-12 players) - This is also known as "Chase The Ace" or "Cuckoo", with slight variations. A simple game of passing cards around, with a high luck element, the player with the lowest card at the end loses a chip, and the aim is to avoid being eliminated by losing your chips.
Rummy (2-6 players) - A classic card game, in which players draw and discard cards, trying to get "melds" that typically consist of sets of the same values or runs of consecutive values. Many variants exist, including Gin Rummy, which is an excellent game and appears later on this list, as well as some commercially published games like the Mystery Rummyseries. Contract Rummy (3-5 players) also developed from Rummy, and adds the complication that in each round players have to fulfil a different contract, which is a fixed combination of sets or runs, that they must have before they can meld. A version of Contract Rummy was published commercially under the name Phase Ten.
Scopa (2-6 players) - A fascinating classic Italian card game that is especially good for two players, and for four players as a partnership game called Scopone. Players are using cards in their hand to "capture" point-scoring cards from a common pool, with captured cards matching or adding up to the value of the card played from hand. Also recommended is Escoba(3-4 players), which is the Spanish name for the Scopa di Quindici variant common in Brazil, in which you capture cards that add to a total of 15 by including a card from your hand. Closely related to Scopa is Cassino, which has gives some added options for play, and appears later on this list.
Speed (2-4 players) - Also called "Spit", this a high speed game similar in style to Nertz (see later on this list), but slightly easier and more suitable for children. The aim is to be the first to get rid of all your cards by simultaneously and quickly playing cards of higher or lower value to a common stock.
Spoons (2-8 players) - A hilarious game for kids or large groups, also known as "Pig" or "Donkey". Players have four cards and simultaneously pass a card to the left, trying to get a set of four matching cards, at which point they take a spoon from the center, which is the signal for everyone to grab a spoon - but there is one less spoon available than the number of players! "My Ship Sails" is a variation that has the aim to collect seven cards of the same suit.

Trick-Taking Games

Trick taking games are one of the most common types of card games, and classics like Hearts and Spades are good examples. It is a game where players all have a hand of cards, and game-play revolves around a series of "tricks", in which each trick involves everyone playing one card from their hand, with the trick typically going to the person who played the highest card. If you have never played a trick-taking game before, I suggest you start with Knock Out Whist, which was listed in the previous category, and is an excellent and fun way to get introduced to this style of game.
500 (4 players) - The national card game of Australia. A skilful trick-taking game where players bid for the number of tricks they think their partnership can win. The winning bidder is allowed to exchange several cards, and select the trump. There is much to love: the trick-taking; the bidding and selecting trump; the exchanging with the kitty to manipulate your hand; the playing in partnerships. A variant for three players also exists.
Bezique (2 players) - A classic trick-taker for two players that originated in France, was very popular in the early 20th century, and has some similarities to the two player version of the American game Pinochle.
Bridge (4 players) - The ultimate classic among trick-taking card games. It is played in partnerships, and gives much room for much skilful play. Contract Bridge is often played in organized club settings, and the bidding and game-play has an extensive series of conventions that can take some time to learn in order to play well.
Briscola (2-6 players) - An Italian trick-taking game that is quite easy to learn and play especially as a two player game. Using just 40 cards, the aim is play tricks from your hand of three in order to win point scoring cards. Apparently this is especially good with the five player Briscola Chiamata variant.
Euchre (4 players) - Extremely popular as a social game in parts of Canada and the USA, Euchre can especially be fun when played in a casual tournament setting. Just 24 cards are used, with the Jacks being powerful "bowers". One partnership is trying to win the most tricks from a five card hand, with trump determined by a turned up card. Ecarte (2 players) is an excellent trick-taking game that is very similar to Euchre, but better suited for a two player game.
German Whist (2 players) - An excellent Whist style game for two players. Each player has a hand of 13 cards, and the first phase involves each person playing a card in order to compete for the face up card from the top of the stock (the very first card shown is the trump suit); the winner gets that card, the loser gets the next face-down card. When the stock is gone, you play out your remaining 13 cards, and the player winning the most tricks is the winner.
Hearts (3-7 players) - One of the all time classic trick-taking games, where the aim is to avoid taking tricks with Hearts, since these are minus points, while the Queen of Spades is a whopping 13 minus points. There is no trump suit.
Jass (2-4 players) - The national Swiss game, playable with two players or in partnerships. This is part of the Jass family which originated in the Netherlands. The wider family includes Belote (French), Klabberjass/Clob (German), and Klaverjassen (Dutch). The Swiss Jass is somewhat similar to Bezique and Pinochle.
Le Truc (2 players) - This out-of-the-ordinary betting/bluffing/trick-taking game is a 19th century French game using a 32 card deck, and was especially popularized after inclusion in Sid Sackson's Gamut of Games. A brilliant bluffing game where you use a hand of three cards to play only three tricks, but can increase the value of a hand throughout the game, to bluff and cause your opponent to fold. Be aware of some rule variations. Both the French Le Truc and the Spanish Truc (which has 2 player partnerships) are derived from the older English game Put (2 players), which is a simpler two player bluffing game that I can also recommend.
Ninety-Nine (3 players) - This original game by David Parlett is regarded as one of the very best trick-taking games for exactly 3 players. Only 36 cards are used, and from a hand of 12 players lay aside three cards that represent the number of their bid, and play out the remaining 9 cards in tricks, trying to win exactly the number of tricks corresponding to their bid.
Oh Hell (3-7 players) - This goes under many names, including Up and Down the River, Bust, and some less savoury titles that are variations on Oh ***. A great trick taking game where you bid how many tricks you can win, while the hand size increases or decreases each round. The game enables considerable skill, because even with bad cards you score if you bid correctly. Numerous scoring variants exist, one being published commercially under the name Wizard.
Pinochle (4 players) - A popular and classic American trick-taking game for partnerships that uses an 48 card deck. Gameplay starts with an auction in which players bid how many points their team will win, with highest bidder picking trump. Each player gets a hand of 12 cards, and individual cards are worth points, as well as combinations of cards in hand (melds). A two-player variant of Pinochle using a single-deck also exists.
Piquet (2 players) - This classic game has a very long history going back several centuries. It is demanding since it has some old-fashioned complications, but is still popular, and regarded as one of the all-time best and most skilful card games for just two players.
Pitch (4 players) - Derived from the old English game All Fours, this game has especially been popular in parts of the USA, and there are many variations. Typically played in partnerships, it begins with a bidding round after players each are dealt six cards, and bid for many of the following four items they think they will have at the end of a hand: High trump, trick with low trump, trick with Jack of trumps, and highest total point value.
Rook (4 players) - Rook is a terrific partnership trick taking game with bidding that was even published commercially under that name with a special deck. The aim is to win tricks with point cards (e.g. the Rook=Joker card is worth 20 points), rather than the maximum number of tricks. The highest bidder has choice of trump, and can exchange with the "nest/kitty" in order to improve their hand. Several good variations exist, and in parts of Canada one of them is played under the name 200 (in French: Deux Cents).
Schnapsen (2 players) - Popular in many parts of Europe, Schnapsen is the national card game of Austria, and is a classic trick-taking card game for two players with a long history, and allows for genuinely skilful and clever play. Played with a small deck, one of its peculiarities is how points are scored for "marriages" (King-Queen couples). For a comprehensive look at the difference between the closely related Sixty Six, and common Schnapsen rule variations, see here and here.
Skat (3 players) - This classic trick-taking game is the national card game of Germany. It features complex scoring and bidding, but is one of the best card games for three players. A similar game with simpler bidding and scoring rules is Schafkopf, which was been Americanized and popularized by immigrants to the USA as Sheepshead. Also related is the demanding Doppelkopf (i.e. Double Sheepshead).
Spades (4 players) - One of the better trick taking games for partnerships, and another classic after being invented and popularized in the USA in the 1930s. Spades are always the trumps, and players bid how many tricks they think they will win in advance. Although the bidding and scoring is not the easiest if you are new to trick-taking games, it is a game that allows for more skill than casual games like euchre.
Whist (4 players) - A simple but classic trick-taking card game from which many others are derived. Played in partnerships, there is no trump, and teams try to win the most tricks as they play out a full hand of 13 cards. Good variations include titles elsewhere on this list, like German Whist (2 players) and Knock Out Whist (3-7 players).

Non Trick-Taking Games

Trick taking games are arguably one of the most popular and common types of card games, which is why they were listed as a separate category. But there are certainly a large number of other fantastic card games as well. Most of the games listed in the "Social and Family Games" category were also non tricking-taking games, but the games listed below tend to be a little more thoughtful and involved.
Big Two (4 players) - Best with four players (although variants for 2-3 players exist), this along with President (which appears earlier on this list) represents one of the more accessible and well-known climbing games. With the climbing genre, the idea is to be the first player to get rid of all your cards, playing cards individually or in special combinations. For a slightly easier climbing game than Big Two, consider Tien Len, which is the national card game of Vietnam. One of the most popular climbing games of all times is Tichu, which was published commercially with a special deck.
Canasta (4 players) - A game that became extremely popular in the 1950s, Canasta uses two standard decks, and is best in two-player partnerships. It is a rummy style of game in which the aim is to make melds of seven cards of the same value, and "go out" by playing your entire hand. There are also several variants, such as the popular Hand and Foot.
Cassino (2-4 players) - This classic card game is a "fishing" game that has some parallels to the simpler Scopa (see earlier on this list), and the Anglo-American version is especially popular. Players capture face-up cards in a common pool by playing matching cards from their hand, either individually or a number of cards that adds to a total equalling the card played from hand. Unlike Scopa, players have more options, and can also build cards together for later, which adds a more tactical element.
Cribbage (2 players) - A classic card name based on card combinations worth points, with the aim of being first to 121 points, scored by pegging on a board. Players each get a hand of six cards, and must set aside two to a "crib" which will later score for one of the two players. Cards are played in turns, adding their values together until you reach or near 31, and then this is repeated. Players score for combinations like cards that add to 15, pairs/triples, or runs, and also score for their hand at the end. Despite the casual feel, there is considerable skill, and experienced players will consistently outperform novices. Requires decision making for selecting cards for the crib, and which order to play the cards in hand. Even children will enjoy finding the point scoring combinations, while the imbalance/asymmetry of each game turn makes it especially interesting.
Eleusis (4-8 players) - A modern card game simulating scientific research, as players ("scientists") conduct experiments to determine the rule governing play. Players try to get rid of cards by discarding them, but the "rule" that allows legal play is invented by the dealer and is unknown to the players, and they must try to figure out the rule by deducing it from legal plays. Rummy (2-6 players) - A classic card game, in which players draw and discard cards, trying to get "melds" that typically consist of sets of the same values or runs of consecutive values. Many variants exist, including Gin Rummy, which is an excellent game and appears later on this list, as well as some commercially published games like the Mystery Rummyseries. Contract Rummy (3-5 players) also developed from Rummy, and adds the complication that in each round players have to fulfil a different contract, which is a fixed combination of sets or runs, that they must have before they can meld. A version of Contract Rummy was published commercially under the name Phase Ten.
Nertz (2-6 players) - Also known as "Racing Demon" or "Pounce", Nertz is a competitive multi-player solitaire that is played in real time. The aim is to be the first to get rid of cards from your Nertz piles by building upwards on common foundations. It is basically the same game as the commercially available Ligretto/Dutch Blitz, but played with a standard deck.
Poker (2-10 players) - This is considered the ultimate bluffing game, and No Limit Texas Hold 'Em has been popularized with the help of television and local tournaments. Players "bet" chips on whether or not they have the best five card poker hand. Many say it is only fun when played for money, suggesting that the thrill is in the gambling rather than the game-play. Even if you do not play for money, you do have to approach the game semi-seriously for it to be fun, otherwise it is too easy for someone to play foolishly and hand another player the game. A must for those who enjoy bluffing.
Spite & Malice (2-5 players) - Also known as "Cat & Mouse", this is a competitive patience/solitaire game for two or more players that uses two decks, and is better known to most people under its commercially produced variation, Skip-Bo. Unlike Speed and Nertz, it is not played simultaneously in real time, because players take turns, but the overall concept is somewhat similar.
Zetema (2 players) - This is an obscure Victorian card game that revived in popularity as a result of Sid Sackson's A Gamut of Games. David Parlett recommends it as an out-of-the-ordinary card game that is "long and savory". It is played with a 65-card deck (52 cards plus an additional two through Ace in one suit), and each player's objective is to reach a certain number of points scored by discarding assemblies, completing tricks, setting up marriages, or revealing flushes and sequences. Also playable with four or six players in partnerships.


So where should you start? Hopefully some of the descriptions I have provided will intrigue you enough to give a particular game a shot, or look into it further. But often games will depend on who you are playing with, the number of players you have, and the kind of game you are looking for. So to help you branch out beyond the repertoire that you might already be familiar with, here are some recommendations for games that I especially suggest for different situations.
Are you looking for...
- a game for just two players? GOPS and Scopa are two simpler games that are quite rewarding. If you want a trick-taking game for just two, then Briscola and German Whist are both straight forward and good choices, while Le Truc is fantastic for those who like bluffing, and Schnapsen is worth the effort to learn if you enjoy skilful play. Cribbage and Gin Rummy are two non trick-taking classics that are every bit as good today as they have always been.
- a game for four-players in partnerships? There are several good trick-taking games to choose from in this category, and while the ever-popular Bridge is good, the learning curve can be steep. I recommend starting with a simpler game like Euchre or Whist, or else something that involves more skill, like 500, Rook, or Spades, which incorporate the fun of bidding and give opportunity for a winning bidder to strengthen their hand.
- a trick-taking game for an odd number of players? Ninety-Nine is the best trick-taker that plays with exactly three players. Hearts and Oh Hell can both handle various player counts, and are very good; if you enjoy bidding for how many tricks you think you will win then Oh Hell is an absolute must.
- a light social game for a larger group? Try the classic climbing game President, the almost brainless Ranter-Go-Round, or the frenzy of Spoons, all of which are easy to learn and don not require too much brain power. Blitzand Cheat are also good choices for fun social games that can work with more than four players.
- a game that is fast-paced? Try the craziness of two player Speed/Spit, or else ramp up the difficulty slightly with the frantic game-play of the popular Nertz, both of which have simultaneous real-time game-play. Egyptian Ratscrew also requires quick reactions and speed.
- a game that is unusual and out-of-the-ordinary? Try the logical deduction required by the clever and inventive Eleusis, or the long and savoury gameplay of Zetema.
- a game for older children? Most of the games in the "Social and Family Games" category will work, but fun games that I have had good success with in playing with children include Cheat, Fan Tan, Knock Out Whist (which also serves as a good introduction to trick-taking), Palace, Speed, and Spoons. If they can handle the scoring system, Scopa is definitely a rewarding game that older children can enjoy. GOPS produces an excellent head-to-head battle-of-wits for just two.
- a game for younger children? There's a number of classic and very simple games not included on this list, such as Beggar My Neighbour (2-3 players), Crazy Eights (2-7 players), Go Fish (2-6 players), Old Maid (2-12 players), Slap Jack (2-8 players), Snap (2-4 players), and War (2 players). Be aware that some games like Beggar My Neighbour and also War involve no decisions and are a matter of pure luck!
So dust off that deck of playing cards that is looking down expectantly at you from the shelf, invite over some family or friends, and get those playing cards to the table. Enjoy your deck and discover the fun that traditional card games have been bringing people around the world for centuries!

Join the discussion: Do you ever play traditional card games, i.e. using a standard deck? Which traditional card games do you play the most, and what is it that keeps you coming back to them? And what are your thoughts and experiences with some of the listed games?
Author's note: I first published this article at PlayingCardDecks.com here.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to boardgames [link] [comments]

What DICE Forgot to do for BFV

Hello all, I love Battlefield V and honestly, when I go to an older Battlefield game (BF3, BF4, BFH, BF1), I always want to return to Battlefield V because of all of its great features like squad reinforcements, the movement system, grenade mechanics, beautiful graphics, fortifications, health and ammo mechanics, etc. But I think that we can all agree that BFV still has a long way to go until it reaches the legendary Battlefield status for this WW2 game.
Feel free to upvote.
So I am making a list of things we NEED for this game.
1.Anti-Cheat System
-I think you already know
  1. Team Balancer and Improve Matchmaking
-It's coming in May, finally. (I think)
  1. Rental Server Program OR Expand Community Games/Add Custom Games (like Back to Basics) and Hardcore
-Allow us to title our servers, have admin controls, allow us to leave the servers running without being in it, more options, etc
-Make custom games return from BF1 with fun weekly changes not just a map playlist and add a hardcore mode
  1. Improve Plane Mechanics and Combat/Improve the "Bad" plane variants and update the vanilla specialization trees like the Pacific ones (increase to level 6 also)
-Better Air vs Air, Air vs Ground, and Air vs Infantry combat
-MMG/LMG Combat vs Air should be more prominent like in BF1
-Add gunner seat to mosquito and add 3rd gunner seat to blenheim (for gameplay reasons)
-A video from LevelCapGaming- How DICE Could Fix Planes in Battlefield V https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPHA4hIxuMA
  1. Improve Tank Mechanics and Combat and update the vanilla specialization trees like the Pacific ones (increase to level 6 also)
-Fun combat
-When driving a tank near water, the soldier should yell out "We are too close to water!!!" or something like that because it is confusing sometimes if the water is shallow enough or not.
-A video from AKA-ART- There's a lot wrong with the tanks in Battlefield 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ltpKB04Oh0
  1. Flares should ping your position
  2. Revamp Grand Operations and allow to see all grand operation games in server browser not just airborne games when filtering for grand op games
-Add ability to skip the intros, and add the voiced intros like BF1
-Add more Grand Operations
-Change the British transport aircraft to the C-47s from Firestorm
-Change the German transport aircraft to the JU-52s.
-Add in the XP Multiplier from BF1. (is the tech here?)
-Allow the intro to play out when I am alt tabbing on PC when playing Grand Ops. The intro literally pauses and I am forced to watch the whole text when coming back on the game.
-Add in a Grand Op menu like BF1, I like reading about the battles.
-The defending team on Airborne should not be able to see where the bomb is at all times
-After every match and switching to a new grand op, you should be able to switch to the other attack/defend team. For example, if you play a match of defending, the next grand op should be attack. Right now, you would stay defending
-Animate the soldiers sitting down in the drop ships in Airborne. They look lifeless
-A video from Westie- Grand Operations Isn't Very Good... Battlefield 5 (DICE Can Do Better!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv3mWVT2a8k
  1. Improve Breakthrough in certain maps
-The first sectors should be the easiest and then the map should be harder (look back at vanilla maps)
-Arras' 3rd sector is really lame IMO.
-Fjell 652 is worst breakthrough map for sure.
-Add in more sectors. A lot of maps have 3. Panzerstorm is really big so I think it should have more than 3 since the rounds are short during my experience.
  1. Improve Conquest on certain maps
-Some maps have open space that needs flags (for example Al Sundan or Fjell 652)
  1. Expand the Provence and Lofoten Islands maps into larger scale gamemodes
-Lofoten Islands can be a Conquest map by including all the islands into a conquest map, Provence can also be expanded to flesh out the countryside of the map into a conquest map
-A video from Westie- Battlefield 5 Has 2 Maps I Had FORGOTTEN EXISTED! - Provence & Lofoten Islands- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4bii9__1Ro
  1. Remove ability to apply Cross-Faction Elite Skins
-Tired of seeing a whole squad of Misakis, Keisukes, or Jack Culvers in the Best Squad screen for the European theater maps
  1. Add option in the settings to not be able to see other player's soldier customization
  2. Improve AI in Combined Arms/War Stories
-Make AI like Star Wars Battlefront 2 (THEY ARE STUPID IN BFV). Why is the AI in BFV so bad if you guys literally tested out the SEED project in BF1 and this SEED project was transferred to Battlefront 2
  1. Add support for Firestorm and make it FREE
-Add Firestorm in the server browser if we are going to continue with the low player counts for the mode.
  1. Rewrite Assignments/Fix Assignments that don't work/Add better rewards/Organize Assignments
-The assignment objectives are written poorly and are tedious to do or they hurt the gameplay. Assignments need better rewards also like more CC, dogtags, melee weapons, etc. Some assignments don't even work correctly like the Fallschirmjäger: Joining the Elite special air assignment (I figured that you have to have the correct side AA guns which is dumb). The Firestorm assignment is so bad also because the rewards are a chain of 5 assignments until the end in which the reward is 500 CC.
-Add categories of assignments. For example, make a category for proficiency/mastery weapon assignments, etc.
-Fix typos...
-Add more Firestorm Assignments also
  1. Remove Paywall on EPIC tiered skins
-Be honest, why would I spend $7.50 on a weapon skin! This is still your choice though DICE or EA.
  1. Add ability to see how many flying bomb, artillery, and battle pickup kills you have in the statistics page (V1, JB-2, KI-147, etc)
  2. More improvement towards Bipod system
-Still doesn't work sometimes, BF1 system still works superior
  1. More Fortifications around some capture areas/More Fortifications for destroyable buildings
-Some flags barely have any fortifications and its so annoying
-I think there should be more fortifications to rebuild buildings and homes
  1. More Reticle options like BF1
  2. Revamp/Fix Combined Arms
-After a match of Combined Arms, joining a different mission doesn't work and its unplayable. You have to restart the game. No wonder why no one plays this mode.
-Revamp Combined Arms into the mode that is was advertised to be: A mode that is changing and evolving with different AI situations while you are playing every week, to keep gameplay fun
-If you complete a mission on hard, you should get all the company coin from easy and medium rewards including hard rewards. Same for medium.
-Add an option to see combined arms matches in the server browser.
-Add new scenarios and maps for Combined Arms similar to Star Wars Battlefront 2 Co-op
  1. Improve the Practice Range
-Make it useful like BF4 Practice Range with the moving targets. Add more vehicles and weapons (not sure about weapons since haven't used it in a while) in the practice range also.
-Haven't used it in a while, but are your loadouts and skins used in the Practice Range?
-Same with the issue with combined arms, I played the practice game, and I then played the tutorial, and then I tried to play the practice range, but it shows a black screen with the menu music in the background and it puts me back in the frontend. So, I was unable to play unless I restarted the game which I did not.
  1. Company Coin payout at End of Round similar to credits in Star Wars Battlefront 2
-I'm really scrapping dust for CC. The balance between using your CC for specializations and skins is bad. I'm level 70 so far and have only bought one cosmetic with CC and the rest of my CC is used for specializations. I'm not sure when I will ever be able to purchase those vehicle skin packages for 75,000 CC.
  1. Better Performance/Optimization for PC
-FPS LAG, I have to turn on FFR for good FPS on ultra. Why is BF1 performance so much better?
  1. Bug Fixes (I HATE SPAWN SCREEN BUGS and the bugs in the Company menu with the white dots)
-Fix UI not showing the correct chapter rank
  1. Add Service Stars for Weapons
  2. Add back the melee type system from BF1
-I want to be able to break barbed wire with some melee weapons
  1. Map Voting system
  2. Improve Pinging system
-Allow us to see nearby teammates’ pings, add specific callouts, add a better danger ping system, make it like COD MW Warzone pinging system
-The AI soldiers in the tutorial were very vocal, and it was cool to hear. This would be cool to hear in multiplayer.
  1. Redesign the armory, allow us to see previous items, allow for more new items per week.
  2. Improve Hitching system
-Allow us to change seats to the hitched AA/AT gun seat like how we can change seats normally otherwise hitching is useless, and allow all vehicles to hitch
-Be able to hitch with all vehicles and allow us to hitch every cannon/turret (not sure if this is a thing or not)
-Make all transport vehicles already have something hitched to it by default
-Improve the controls for moving around the hitched cannon/turret
  1. Remove ability to shoot down friendly flares
  2. Allow us to know what squad we are in showed in the spawn screen, so we know if we are one of the top squads at the end of round.
  3. Look at all soldier appearances and vehicles and make them more authentic to the era like looking at the color pallets.
-DICE is finally doing this for the May update.
  1. Add a Vehicle spawn queue
-Camping the vehicle spawn is so annoying and this is still a problem in all Battlefields besides Battlefield Hardline...Hardline still gets some things right for all (if I recall, hardline has one, or something that takes small steps towards a vehicle queue)
  1. Add Duos back in Firestorm
  2. Update Vanilla Gun Specialization Trees to be more interesting like the pacific ones
-It seems as if I always prefer one road down the tree and similar ones for all guns.
  1. Team Switcher
-I would like to help out the losing side by switching to them.
-Also, when playing match after match in conquest, currently, you stay on the same faction every match. Your faction needs to change every round.
  1. Make calling out for help in the revive screen louder so your teammates can hear you. Make it also so that the revive icon is flashing when someone is calling out for help. Also, allow us to call out for medics while downed by using the commorose.
  2. Allow us to see our weapon/tank/plane/class/rank progression while playing in game like Battlefront 2. Rank progression should be when you go in the exit screen. Also, either allow us to view rewards while playing in-game in the menus or remove the words "View Rewards" in the top right when clicking on your combat roles, etc.
  3. Allow us to view recent servers and favorite servers.
  4. Allow us to see how far in the match is in the server browser, like on Battlelog.
  5. Teach players how to ping enemies in the tutorial.
  6. Add back south africa/middle east servers.
-Have seen of people from those areas complaining
-How about when quick matchmaking, force them to join their own servers? I know they might end up in empty servers, but DICE I think you can find a way to fix this rather than deleting them.
  1. Add Skill Based Matchmaking (I believe this is coming in May)
  2. Put AI controlled AA cannons at bases, like in BF3/BF4 (I think it was also in BF4 maybe)
  3. Update Vanilla maps so that planes can't resupply at enemy bases.
-In the pacific maps, we cannot do that.
  1. Give an option to equip soldier customization sets like weapon sets.
-Really annoying one
  1. Add Weather Conditions to vanilla maps in conquest and other modes not just Grand Operations. (Night, Aurora, Sandstorm, Snowstorm, Rain, etc.)
  2. Add ping based matchmaking like Modern Warfare because why would you not...
-Not sure if this is already in the game or not since people on the PC chat were wondering why they were in another countries' server whilst for me, I seem to matchmake correctly.
  1. Add more background battles on all maps.
-Like in Iwo Jima
-Battlefront 2 Geonosis on Galactic Assault is a prime example
  1. Fix the lighting in some maps.
-Make atmosphere more WW2 like
-Make Hamada lighting like in the Prologue of War Stories
-Make Panzerstorm Lightning/Graphics like the trailer.
-Make Halvoy Lighting/Graphics like the trailer.
-A video from Lossy- Fixing the Weird Lighting in Battlefield 5- https://youtu.be/79DiPYupp-s
  1. Turn Halvoy into 2 Conquest/Breakthrough maps for Multiplayer (snowy/non snowy)
  2. Add Firestorm Vehicles to multiplayer and allow tractors to be drivable in vanilla maps
-The Schwimmwagen would be great for Lofoten Islands
  1. Make the Tides of War menu show what date we are currently in during WW2.
-It was doing that for the BFV Reveal. Remember the Fall of Europe?
  1. Allow us to purchase all the Tides of War cosmetics in the company screen (with CC of course)
  2. Add the mode Fortress back. Did people not like it? I never got to play it.
  3. Allow us to hear teammates requests when they are using the commorose.
-Kind of not immersive to not hear them.
  1. Fix Statistics page by allowing us to see kills for the Flamethrower, Medical Syringe, and Repair Tool (add this)
  2. Allow us to customize our planes and tanks while there are none available in the spawn screen like in BF1.
  3. Improve the Netcode (possibly, where did DICE LA's work go?)
-Still hear stories from people with bad netcode situations.
  1. Add an option to turn off the Distance Haze.
  2. Add back Squad XP boosts from BF1 (if the tech is there ofc)
  3. Add a Repair Medal/Ribbon
  4. Improve the control and handling on Transport Vehicles, Planes, and Tanks, especially the Universal Carrier.
  5. Improve loading times when quitting a match and loading into BFV for the first time. Also fix it so that alt tabbing out of the game doesn't freeze/pause the game.
  6. Improve the progression meter (circle) UI, it is confusing if I am this rank or if that is my next rank
  7. Make it so we hear the helmet and have it knock off when a sniper shoots someone in the head with a helmet like in BF1. (not sure if it is in BFV or not)
  8. Voices for the different races on the British and US side should be different than the normal white male/female American/British voice.
  9. Incendiary grenades and Flamethrowers should be able to burn down buildings and maybe trees and plants. (Destruction)
  10. Improve Dog Tag Designs and Textures
Controversial Points
  1. Add back the Sniper Sweet Spot mechanic like in BF1.
  2. Improve MMG Gameplay
-Make them fun to use, by being mobile
-Remove need to bipod possibly (controversial). Encouraging campers is not good
-A video from Westie- It's Time to END The MMG BIPOD META Battlefield 5 (Gunplay Issues)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC4cFI8Tj90
  1. Make the game Crossplay across all platforms like Modern Warfare.
Now lets talk about content.
Add in PT Boats for the Pacific maps as seen in Datamines/Add in the torpedo loadouts for the amphibious tanks Add in more Tanks/Planes for the American and Japanese factions (like mustang, b-17, floatplanes). Add in a specific AA tank for both factions. Add in a British specific flying bomb (I haven't researched this enough so I'm not sure if there even is one; The JB-2 is actually a US made bomb) Add in Japanese Carriers and Landing Craft and make the Japanese the Attackers on Wake Island Add another tank for the German faction like the Hummel tank as seen in Datamines Add Battle Pickups for the British and German factions Add more Combat Roles (Archetypes) for all the classes as promised. There were so many in the Alpha/Beta. Also, add some for Pilots and Tanker Classes. Add more game modes from Datamines- Invasion, Conquer and Destroy, Battlezone, CTF, Squad Conquest Tanks. Add in a new offline mode where we can play Conquest or other modes with bots like Instant Action in Battlefront 2. Also add in offline breakthrough, which is what the upcoming Missions mode in battlefront 2 basically is. Add one more male and female character for both US and Japanese factions Add in the Al Marj Encampment map from 5 v 5 as seen in Datamines, and expand it for the larger gamemodes 5th Pacific Map- Pacific Ocean Map (hopefully it is Okinawa) as seen in Datamines Add more skins for weapons that barely have skins because I hate receiving skins for the same starter weapons over and over Add the Weapon Charm customization from Datamines Add in more WW2 authentic skins and cool skins like seen in ArtStation. Add a Japanese specific AA cannon and a US specific AT and AA cannons. (Not sure if there are any) Add in Tanker and Pilot Class Weapons like in BF1. Add the M2 Mortar. Add more accurate uniforms especially for the British. And also recolor all of the uniforms not just the default ones. Add 2 new transport vehicles (one for US and one for Japanese) that are like the M3 and Halftrack Add 2 new reinforcement vehicles (one for US and one for Japanese) that are like the T48 and Pakwagen. Add modes like Air Superiority, Tank Superiority, Sea superiority, and Carrier Assault The Maps for Air Superiority could be Battle of Britain The Maps for Sea Superiority (NEW MODE) could be Midway, Coral Sea, Leyte Gulf, Battle of the Atlantic, Phillipine Sea, etc. The Maps for Tank Superiority could be Operation Barbarossa (or Battle of Brody) DLCS
First off, we need a roadmap for DLCs and concept art months before hand. I am also going to name off what we already have. I also know that this will sound unlikely.
1.The 8 Vanilla Maps
2.Fall of Europe/France/Greece DLC
4 Maps include- Panzerstorm, Battle of Dunkirk (we don't have this), Mercury, Marita 3.Close Quarters DLC
4 Maps include Lofoten Islands, Provence, Operation Underground, Al Marj Encampment 4.War Stories DLC-
4 Maps include Al Sudan, Tirailleur, Nordly's Heavy Water Plant, The Last Tiger's Destroyed City 5.Pacific DLC
4 Maps include Iwo Jima, Pacific Storm, Wake Island, Solomon Islands 6.Eastern Front DLC
Adds USSR including tanks, planes, and weapons 4 Maps include Stalingrad, Kursk, Moscow, Kharkov 7.End of WW2 DLC
6 Maps include D-Day, Bulge, Berlin, Okinawa (Pacific Ocean?), Market Garden, Monte Cassino (Battle for Rome) 8.Halvoy DLC Bonus
2 Maps centering around the snowy region and non snow region of Halvoy for all modes By now, according to this list, BFV would end up with 36 maps by the end of its life span.
If DICE continues support past this, then they should either add an Italian DLC and a Chinese DLC. Maps could be Battle of Anzio and Battle of Shanghai. They could also do a North African DLC.
DICE could also add in the French faction and put them on existing maps that are suitable for the French. Same could be said for the Greek faction and others.
Additional maps include Operation Bagration, Operation Torch, Burma, Luzon, and Sedan.
Things DICE can do if they have time for it
Add the guns from 5v5 into the main game Finish 5v5 competitive mode and release it Fix Ribbons and put them back in the game Revamp the Assignment system so we can change them in-game and have more than 4 active or all of them. Add soldier dragging Add crash landings Fix the gamemode system to allow for more modes instead of always limiting modes. Fix the Double XP system (there is none, the tech isn't ready yet) Add back codex like in BF1. Add the Garotte back in the game. Add the Westland Lysander back in the game. Add War Stories Maps into the Multiplayer like Tirailleur, the Heavy Water Plant from Nordlys, and The Last Tiger Add more good War Stories. Allow us to equip 2 Dog Tags at the same time. Seeing that we can only equip 1, shows that the game was Rushed. Also, add more Dog Tags. I'm not sure if a single one has been added for post launch besides the Chapter ones. Add Fun Facts about WW2 in the loading screens like in BF1. Add back Attrition and revamp/improve/fix it. For a final note, DICE, learn from your mistakes or you will hit rock bottom even more with Battlefield 6.
Oh, here's an additional point.
  1. Fix the Battlefield V Reveal Trailer
I make frequent edits to this list, so come back if you want.
Again, feel free to upvote.
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The University of Cassino and Southern Lazio covers a large and independent area completely devoted to the Campus activities. Facilities for teaching and learning as well as leisure and sports are hosted here. 200 new residences are available since the academic year 2014-2015, and 100 more will be added starting from 2016.The University Campus is connected to the city center by a bus shuttle ... Home The University center for recruitment and counseling (C.U.Ori) is one of the service centers of the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio. The center supports, advices, and carries ...read more: Libraries. Libraries ... See the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio website for deadlines and requirements. FOR RESIDENT EU AND NON-EU NATIONALS who live in Italy with a regular work or study permit application deadline is 31 August. Early applications are encouraged. University of Cassino and Southern Lazio is in the top 11% of universities in the world, ranking 49th in Italy and 1843rd globally. Ranks 1st among universities in Cassino. University of Cassino (UNICAS) - public higher education institution in Italy.UNICAS was officially founded in 1979. The university campus is of urban type and is located in the vicinity of Cassino. University of Cassino is a prestigious educational institution that is very respected in Italy, every year it manages to enter the ranks of the top 80 universities of the country. Find 690 researchers and browse 48 departments, publications, full-texts, contact details and general information related to Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale Cassino ... The University has around 10,500 students and 320 professors and researchers. Almost all courses are located at the University Campus Folcara. 92% of people with a degree awarded at Cassino say that they are satisfied with their experience at the University of Cassino. Research at the University of Cassino is done in cooperation with partners ... University of Cassino (UNICAS) is located in Cassino, Lazio, Italy. It is locally known as Università degli Studi di Cassino.The university was established in 1979. It is accredited by Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca, Italia. Online Casino blog met nieuws over casino bonussen, roulette, blackjack, sport, mobiel en strategieën op de goksite de Casino Universiteit. Home - Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale - UNICAS, l'università a misura di studente

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